Unmanning the Man
By Israel Shamir
Hollywood installed in us the firm
belief in the happy end. Though we know that happy ends
are rare, movies time after time enforce this hope,
while reality undermines it. Last week, when the British
High Court ruled to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden,
the hope failed.
A few days earlier I’ve asked Julian
what he will do if the court will set him free, after
almost a year of house arrest with electronic bracelet
on his foot. “I’ll be able to do things on the spur of
the moment”, said he, - “unplanned, uncharted – just to
go where I want to and do what I wish”. Alas, it is not
to be.
This is the season for asses to bray
at the captive lion. The Guardian, the newspaper
that made millions on ripping Julian’s information mine
and later turned into the greatest enemy of the
Australian adventurer, published a
sleazy piece by an editor of the slimy Swedish
right-wing tabloid Expressen, a Ms Karin Olsson.
Olsson tells the story of Swedes’ disappointment with
Assange “from Hero to zero”, conviniently omitting her
part in the action. Character assassination of Assange
by media was to a great part her work. The Expressen
obtained the news of two feminists’ visit to a friendly
policewoman in real time, and splashed the headline
“Sought for rape” immediately, before the paperwork
reached the attorney office and before the charges were
It was fitting the Expressen
agenda: the tabloid belongs to Karl Johan Bonnier, a
Swedish Murdoch, and his media empire dutifully
supported the right-wing government coalition, promoted
Sweden’s participation in the US wars, in bombardment of
Libya and sending troops to Afghanistan. Bonnier, a
sworn enemy of free journalism and of the Wikileaks, had
commissioned and published Domshiet-Berg's book against
The Guardian did not mind
ordering the hit piece from the newspaper editor who
published racist pieces caling for deportation of Arabs
from the Swedish paradise. Despite – or because of that
- Olsson frequently refers to my "antisemitism". For a
while I was at loss why does she, provided there are no
Jews in the story, try to bring them in. Later I
understood, that - like her Nordic neighbour Anders
Breivik - Olsson believes that every sort of racism is
permitted as long as one adds condemnation of
anti-Semitism. The Russian critics would throw in a
charge of anti-Sovietism, in similar circumstances.
Probably Olsson and Breivik both believe that the world
is ruled by the Elders of Zion. This thought is not
foreign to David Leigh, a Guardian editor in charge of
Wikileaks diffamation, for he always adds the Jewish
angle where none exists.
It is odd the Guardian did not ask an opinion piece from
the Swedish prosecutor Ms Ny who famously said that a
man belongs to jail, if a woman brings a complaint –
even if the charges can’t make stick.
The costs of Assange’s persecution
are huge. This story of shoppers’ regret recycled as
rape has cost the realms of Britain and Sweden dearly,
and nearly destroyed the person of Julian Assange. To
give you an idea of the costs that were incurred at
public expense, Julian’s lawyers have already presented
him with a bill of 600,000 pounds (about a million US$)
for his defence. Surely all the prosecuting lawyers and
judges involved in this case will double and triple this
considerable sum. Our governments don’t have enough
money to pay for schools and health care, but they are
always ready to spend millions to put a man behind bars
for such a ridiculous charge.
Though there is certainly a political
reason, the Assange case is not exceptional, for Sweden
is a victim of cruel social experiment of re-gendering:
recently, a Swedish man was sent to jail for 18 months
for failing to properly wake up his girlfriend before
beginning a session of morning sex. Swedish men have
good reason to fear the Swedish justice system, and
daily they grow more and more afraid of Swedish women.
In response, they take foreign wives; they are also
increasingly turning gay and adopting children from
What a shame! Sweden is home to the
most dazzlingly beautiful women in the world: perfectly
shaped, their blond manes blown by the wind; their blue
eyes reflect frankness and encouragement.
Years ago, I was blown away after
seeing them for the first time: dancing on a green lawn
around a maypole, sun-tanning topless on a low wooden
bridge protruding into a lake as blue as the sky above,
and sitting like mermaids along the rocks - for Swedish
soil is not too soft but full of great stones of iron
and copper. These rocks were polished and rolled by the
receding ice walls of millennia past when Sweden was
freed from its long frozen captivity. The men of Svea
laboriously arranged these immense monoliths around an
ancient oak tree in imitation of a flotilla. There they
heaped high mounds upon the burned remnants of mighty
Viking chieftains. Centuries later, these ancient holy
places attracted neighbouring churches, decorated from
top to bottom by Albertus Pictor in the 15th
The oaks are still leafy and mighty,
the lakes still clean, the stone armada still standing
amid green meadows, but the churches are empty. They
have become clubs for old ladies, led by a lady pastor -
as I witnessed last Sunday in a beautiful church near
Vasteras. Men have been slowly pushed out of positions
of power in the Church, and now the worshippers have
lost interest.
It is not only Swedish churches that
have lost their manly shepherds, Swedish newspaper
owners prefer to hire and advance obedient women like
Karin Olsson; there are few male editors, excepting the
gays. Swedish publishers now only publish books that
will appeal to women; books that glorify women and
depict men as monsters, like the dreadful Millennium
Trilogy written by the PR-savvy Stieg Larsson.
Swedish museums exhibit the kind of art that is designed
to appeal to a female-centric New Age audience. Swedish
universities are dominated by female professors. In
Sweden, it hurts your career if you are discovered to be
a heterosexual male. It feels like the country is at war
with natural sexuality: the schoolbooks promote a unisex
standard; children are referred to as “it” instead of
“he” or “she”, and the lightest flirtation has been
The war against males has not
resulted in a more compassionate Sweden. The Swedish
welfare state is being dismantled by the right-wing
followers of Ronald Reagan; Neocon Karl Rove is sending
Swedish soldiers to die for NATO in Afghanistan, and
bombing Libya in the name of the Swedish state. Nor have
the civilians of Sweden fared well under the new regime.
They eat more junk food, and obesity – previously
unknown in the North – now disfigures their once
beautiful bodies. Their thoughts have been controlled by
a newly consolidated media and their hard-won freedoms
traded away in the name of compassion.
Looking back, it seems that Sweden’s
freedoms, as well as our own, peaked just after the
long-gone year of 1968. At the time, Sweden was the most
implacable foe of the US-led war in Vietnam. US
deserters once dreamt of escaping to fair Sweden with
the same fervent desire of Heller’s Yossarian. In those
days the Swedish girls pursued adventures, not legal
strategies. Swedish men spent their days building up the
church, moulding a uniquely Scandinavian social state,
creating Bergman films and Volvo cars. Now even Volvo
was sold off to the Americans, and they promptly sold it
to the Chinese.
1968 was a turning point in America
as well. In 1968, the richest Americans contributed 90%
of their income to the state, while now they pay less
than 30%. Never mind that they do not pay even that by
the use of tax shelters, funds and other tricks. It was
in 1968 that the American worker’s minimum pay peaked in
real terms. Looking back, 1968 was the moment in history
when mankind was nearest to the stars.
Children of the defeated ’68
revolution, we were free to love, smoke, think and act.
We could travel and fly without being stripped at the
airport, and our booze was not confiscated. We could
make love and smoke in cafes. Since then, it was
downhill all the way: smoke was banned, free thought was
incarcerated by Political Correctness, and political
action has been reduced to joining a Facebook group.
Love has been turned into minefield by Victorian laws.
We have been transported back to the days when Mr.
Pickwick might be sued by his landlady for breach of
promise. Sweden is not the only victim of this
revolutionary zeal. Everywhere, all over the world, men
are losing their place under the sun; it may be more
than a coincidence that our freedoms vanish along with
Is there a method to this madness?
The great conspiratorial mind and modern Russian prophet
Alexandre Dugin declared that there is an ancient female
conspiracy that aims to return us to a Matriarchy. Many
conservative observers put the blame on feminists. Yet
even though men have clearly lost the war, the victory
of women wilts under examination. Once upon a time women
had a choice: they could join the business world or stay
at home with the kids. Once upon a time women could
raise a family without guilt. Once upon a time women
could enjoy being flirted with. Not any more. Unmanning
man was quickly followed by the un-womaning of woman.
I think the reality is worse than
Dugin’s wildest conspiracy. There is an understanding
between the holders of power that feminised men are
easier to control. Unmanning men is a linchpin in the
reprogramming of mankind into an obedient herd, because
strong men are unpredictable. Strong men are prone to
rebellion, ready for sacrifice and primed for action. It
is no coincidence that the enemies of Empire are all
masculine males, be they Qaddafi, Castro, Chavez,
Lukashenko, Putin – or Julian Assange. It appears the
men have been targeted for elimination; the working ants
need no sex.
The feminist agenda became the
easiest way to lock the man up, as we learned from the
DSK case. Dominique Strauss Kahn lost his coveted job at
the helm of the IMF, and this powerful position passed
to a woman who is not likely to jeopardise the US dollar
A false statement by a professional
cheat was all that was necessary to steal his freedom,
which he regained after spending a lot of money. Another
thing that was necessary was connivance of the
mainstream media which is a sure sign that something is
DSK must be quite a man, judging by
his excellent, gifted, strong-minded, and successful
wife. It may be he is a Zionist Capitalist beast, but as
one man to another I can’t fault him for making a pass
at a “talented journalist and novelist in France”, nor
for flirting with “a brilliant Hungarian economist”. He
is, after all, a Frenchman first. They each had their
opportunity to say “non”, and so they did. In a healthy
society this would suffice.
Did DSK’s advances constitute
“harassment”? Perhaps, but so what? I am continuously
harassed by banks that send me offers of credit – are
these less damaging to my psyche than an offer to frolic
in the hay? Is a business proposition less annoying than
an amorous one? These women simply refused his advances,
just as I refuse the banks – and yet I do not resort to
the courts, whereas they have sought both compensation
and revenge. Might we not just as well sue the Zuleika
Dobsons of this world for the sexual power they hold
over their unwilling thralls? Must we castrate our men,
cover our women, or erect separation walls like the ones
on Indian trains?
The attacks on Assange, DSK and
Qaddafi are all part and parcel of the campaign to unman
humanity. The Empire hates Lukashenko and Putin not only
because they do not let them seize the country’s assets,
but also for their outspoken masculinity. Eric Walberg
in his Great Games speaks of the deeper strategy
behind the colour revolutions: their organisers
“castrate modern states” in order to transform them into
post-modern weaklings. This “castration” is an important
plan of the rulers, far more profound than the ephemeral
struggles over pipelines and resources.
The defeat of Julian Assange is a
defeat for all the men, and a defeat for mankind,
promising a bleak future – unless we shall do something
about it. It is not only our freedom but our manhood is
at stake.