To disavow or
debate Abunimah
By Israel Shamir
To disavow or debate
Abunimah – this is the question. Indeed, an American
citizen, born in Jordan, who never tread on the land of
Palestine, decided to ostracize Gilad Atzmon, a native
Palestinian, born and bred on its soil – a silly idea!
Next step, he will forbid earthquakes and hurricanes to

me, there is a terrible sense of deja-vu. Some ten years
ago, the same Abunimah and his obese Lebanese partner
hunted me out of the pro-Palestinian movement,
saying that without Shamir, they will win sooner. Ten
years passed, and the movement did not get to the mark
it was then.
This repeat proves that Abunimah is
nothing but a gatekeeper on the payroll of his Jewish
Zionist friends. They pay him with the currency he
appreciates: publicity and access to the Jewish-owned
media. Totally unheard of previously, his articles began
to be published in the important American papers. Some
friendly Jews set him up with his Electronic Intifada.
They keep the discourse within its permitted limits.
This is expected: the Palestinian
discourse is heavily policed one; the Jews can’t allow
it to run free so they would not get unexpected results.
They deform it by using their anti-zionist agents like
despicable Roland Rance and feeble Tony Greenstein, and
their Palestinian stooges like Abunimah. You can easily
understand who is doing their work: they are allowed to
appear in the mainstream media on regular basis, so they
have to be enemies.
And despite revulsion I feel every
time his name is mentioned, I’d say: something good may
come even of an Abunimah. Remember Gollum who helped to
destroy the Ring: even he was useful, in the last run.
So one does not have to ostracise him; let us tolerate
him until his own brothers will deal with this
treacherous beast as he deserves.
As for Gilad Atzmon, his recent
disappointed me, for he went heavily into
navel-glazing of Jewish identity search. In my view,
this is a dead-end; but a writer and a thinker should be
allowed to explore dead-ends. And anyway, nobody forces
us to read all these endless soul-search reports. Still,
he wrote many wonderful pieces and will write many more,
after he will exhaust his soul-searching.
However, as I wrote previously, his
writing is fully within the framework of Jewish thought,
partly in the tradition of Weininger and early Zionists,
partly in the latest post-Zionist Israeli line. Our Arab
brothers, perhaps, are not sufficiently aware of that;
their interference is utterly out-of-place in this
inter-Jewish polemics. The most important signee against
Gilad, the heir to Edward Said’s cathedra in the
Columbia U, Joseph Massad, whom I do respect for his
brave struggle against the Gay International, failed to
understand it again: years ago, he proclaimed Israel
Shahak, another inter-Jewish heretic, “an anti-Semite”.
Our Arab brothers will do well if they will stand out of
this debate: let the Jews fight out the battle for their
identity. As it happens, Gilad is their strongest
champion on the Jewish side, they should cheer, not
discourage him.
Israel Shamir
Listen to Israel Shamir’s talk with
Kevin Barrett:
From John Wheat Gibson
For years, now, I have thought
Abunimah was a Mossad mole, or at best not very bright.
Plainly Atzmon’s critique is based exactly on the
Zionists’ definition of Jewishness. If by adoption of
the Zionists’ definition of Judaism he repeats
“anti-Semitic,” assumptions, it is only because Zionism,
itself, is a form of anti-Semitism. Which, also, has
been apparent for many years.
From Aiman
Israel Shamir takes the high ground
with a most moral and rational argument. I notice also
that most of the signatories on the anti-Atzmon
condemnation paper are located in foreign (non
Palestine) nations where they probably feel fat and
secure in their high and lofty offices, pulpits and
Atzmon may be a loud mouthed and rabid anti-Zionist,
probably an "anti-Semite" or "self-hating Jew" in the
sense that Zionists and their lackeys misuse those
terms, but he is an active and effective anti-Zionist of
the first order, regardless of whether he bathes
regularly, chews with his mouth open, uses the wrong
fork, and noisily passes gas at the table.
No, I would probably not want him to marry my daughter,
but If I were taking a ship into combat, I would
appreciate having him in my wardroom, and under my
Note: In the Naval Service in which I served, one of
the highest accolades a senior can write on a Junior
Officers Fitness Report was whether he would "prefer" or
"not prefer" to have that officer under his command and
on his bridge if he were to take a naval vessel into
From Elizabeth Allen:
I have some real concerns about
Ali.... how in the hell can a one state solution be good
for Palestinians? Israel is an apartheid state....we
need all people to have freedom to write their thoughts
and ideas, I despise zionism, and the KKK, but I am not
opposed to their right to freedom of speech...vile as I
personally believe it is.
From Ian Buckley:
Gilad says openly what many are reluctant even to think.
Hence the consternation of Ali & Co. Possibly some mass
murdering ex-PM would be more welcome to them.
Anyway, undoubted genius Stanley Kubrick was (allegedly)
an even more extreme ‘self hater’, if you utilise their
method of taking a statement out of context.
From Frank Scott:
the attitudes of these palestinians
is disgusting and an example of the worst of what we
need to rid humanity of:
capitalism , its mental spawn and
this kind of double standard , oppressive, repressive
thinking which prolongs capitalism's domination of the
planet and further endangers humanity...
but of course they should always be
free to speak their narrow, bigotry inspired, chosen
people-master race invective disguised as liberal free
From Ali Baghdadi
Palestinian "academics / activists" stand on the side of
Israel and AIPAC. Willingly or unwillingly, they distort
Gilad Atzmon work and thought. They don't seem to have
ever listened to his lectures or read his book, "The
Wandering Who?" Their vicious attack will not silence or
convince this wonderful man to abandon his staunch and
effective support of the Palestinian cause. The great
musician, a former Israeli Jew, is a humanist and a
Palestinian at heart. I am ashamed as a Palestinian. I
am greatly honored to have him as a friend.
Ali Baghdadi
(Arab Journal, Chicago)
From Gabi Weber, Freiburg
"What these folks should be doing is
reading Atzmon’s work carefully and holistically, and
then, if they find that Atzmon is mistaken in his
analysis of the way Jewish identity politics is a factor
in Zionism, they should correct him." (Kevin Barrett)
I am asking myself how many of the signers of "Anti-Atzmon-petitions"
did what Kevin Barrett suggests?
I am afraid that witch-hunt arrived in the so-called
"solidarity movement".