Slavery and Cannibalism in Our Modern World

Everett Historical /
I had planned to write on the struggle in the US congress in
which the Israel Lobby seeks to override the president’s veto.
This is likely to cause a new war in the Middle East, send out a
new wave of refugees, and destroy the cradle of our faith and
civilization. However, the most dangerous trend we are facing
springs from our arrogant desire to override the natural order
of birth, life and death.
On the streets of Tel Aviv, young Filipinos or strong Sudanese
push trolleys with old Jewish people. They cling to life, these
old ladies. Age and race are juxtaposed: it is fine to be old,
if you belong to the right race or ethnicity. Taking care of the
old is a job for immigrants, refugees, and guest workers of the
wrong race. Whenever I see such a trolley, I do not exult in our
good care of the elderly and in our humane attitudes; I lament
the fate of the Philippines and Sudan, for if these states
hadn’t been devastated by us, the young women would be taking
care of their own children instead of flying to the end of the
world to change diapers for old Jewish ladies.
Once, the slavers had to go to Africa, hunt and seize
prospective slaves and ship them to plantations. We destroyed
their societies, and now the slaves are paying their own fare
and competing to live in Uncle Tom’s cabin. They became
indispensable for the care of old people, and we have a lot of
old folks in our developed countries. This is the case where
both means and purpose, the modern slave trade and the
preservation of exhausted life, are equally reprehensible.
We try to live longer and longer, as if year after year of
loneliness in institutions is such a wonderful benefit. Medicine
can dull the Grim Reaper’s scythe, and old people seem to live
forever. Our late Prime Minister, Gen. Ariel Sharon, died for
all practical purposes in 2006, but his life was “saved” in a
way and he lingered on in limbo until 2014. For eight long years
the doctors reported: “He responds to pain”, until he was
allowed to depart for his permanent abode wherever it might be.
Another Jew of renown, Lubavitscher Rebbe Schneerson, was been
kept “alive” for many years, until his followers despaired of
his return. Their example shines for others. My friend, a poet,
fumed about why the medical system did not hospitalize his
85-year old mother right away, change her heart and other parts,
make her functioning again. He did not care about the cost – a
humane society should do it. Or shouldn’t it?
Taking care of the elderly has huge social costs and not all of
these can be outsourced to the Sudanese. My old schoolmate
deserted his wife and daughter in order to take care of his
elderly mother. A good son? I wonder. Within five years, his
neglected daughter got hooked on drugs and committed suicide,
his forlorn wife divorced him, while his mother was still alive,
still bedridden and about ninety.
We spend too much effort on preserving life, and people (or
should I say we,
as I approach 70) live much longer than ever before. Thanks to
medicine, infants who would never survive otherwise, are kept
alive. They need daily treatment and expensive drugs and
operations, to carry on their sad lives, for their parents and
society are convinced that life should be preserved at all cost.
Aren’t we wonderful?
Not really. Our societies kill perfectly healthy children,
whether by abortion or by bombing their populous countries. Five
hundred thousand Iraqi children were killed by Madeleine
Albright, to her satisfaction. Nearer to home, I never could
understand why a Jewish child with Down’s syndrome should be
kept alive at considerable expense and effort, while a healthy
Palestinian child may be killed for free.
In less prosperous countries, magazines carry ads asking for
help to postpone death. People with ill children, parents,
spouses ask for the contribution they need to take their sick to
the place of a magic cure, or to buy a deadly expensive medicine
not covered by insurance. Their ads show a sweet kid or a
peaceful old man, and describe his maladies and the miraculous
treatment able to restore his brain, grow him a new heart or new
legs for a tiny cost of so many dollars. This money could feed
thousands of healthy children, or provide elementary and
inexpensive medical care for many.
People of wealth do not ask for our contribution, but they also
spend a lot on cures. The very rich spend enormous sums to gain
immortality. They die anyway. There are rumors that the
hundred-year-old billionaire David Rockefeller had had a few
heart transplants. Perhaps the rumours are not true, but anyway
his longevity was achieved at cost of other younger lives. Such
people do consume other lives, for they make ordinary medicine
for ordinary people unavailable.
Human resources are limited. A vast investment in expensive
medicines and devices means less money for treating everyone
with less exotic illnesses. Preserving and extending the
existence of those unable to live without help (be it elderly or
children or terminally ill) means less resources for everybody
else. Sanctity of life for a few means death for others. There
is no way to sustain unlimited medical spending for a few unless
the majority is robbed of their chance to live.
This system had been denounced by Ivan Illich in his Medical
Nemesis many years ago, but it has become worse since
then. The root of the problem is our worship of life and fear of
death. Far from being natural, this is a relatively new
tendency. Previous generations knew that there are many things
more important than life. They valued their soul, their honor,
their integrity above the life of their body. They accepted
death as an unavoidable event in one’s life, nothing to run away
from. They saw flowers and trees and wild animals and learned
from them.
Their world was God-centered, and in such a world, life and
death of a man is a normal occurrence. They would pray for their
life to last longer, but they would add, as the Orthodox
Christians do even now at every Sunday service: grant me a
Christian death, peaceful, without pain and shame. The Christian
asks for a short time to prepare himself, to repent and to
receive last rites, and if this wish is granted, he dies
contented, for his death is just a transition to life eternal.
People who worship life are heathens – or animals, from the
Christian point of view.
Fear of death should be removed from our world. We should accept
death as we accept life: with gratitude, as St. Simon the Elder
did as he said: “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart
in peace”.
While ridding us of fear of death, we should also eliminate
organ transplants, the modern form of cannibalism. Like in the
days of Captain Cook, rich men consume the kidneys or the livers
of their fellow men. Sometimes these organs are ripped from a
dead person, disturbing his peace. Often kidneys are ripped out
of the bodies of unfortunate debtors who are forced into this
sacrifice by their creditors, or from people reduced to poverty
who need to feed their children.
In Israel, body parts have been taken from Palestinians for the
benefit of Jews, as we learned from the
confessions of Yehuda Liss. Organs were harvested
by the Kosovo Albanians from live Serbs, said
Carla del Ponte, the prosecutor in the Hague. Why
are we shocked by cannibalism of the New Guinea? We are worse.
The medieval world knew the desire to save one’s life at cost of
another’s life or injury. This was done by warlocks and witches
who drew a bath of innocent children’s blood for the beneficiary
who wanted to preserve his or her youth beyond the allotted
years. That’s why the Bible called for them to be put them to
death. Modern harvesters are not any better.
We might roll medicine back to its Cuban level, where simple
medical treatment is available to everyone for free, while
complicated ones are just not available for anybody, including
David Rockefeller. Equality of medical treatment will remind us
that we all equal before death, and this is good news.
Fear of God is healthy. Fear of death is sickness; it is denial
of God and of Man’s privileged place in the Universe. Our
departure will suit our life. Evil people do evil things because
they are certain that there is nothing after. The spiritual
father of the Neo-Cons, Leo Strauss, entered acrimonious
arguments (with Martin Buber inter alia) denying God. It was
important for him to claim there is no reward, no punishment for
our deeds. And his disciples took over the Pentagon and ignited
the Middle East, sending the great wave of refugees toward
Europe. Only people who deny Christ are likely to do such
Many people dislike the concept of human rights because it was
used for the “humanitarian interventions” in Libya and Iraq.
Others would argue that the concept was misused by Bush and
Blair. But I reject the idea of human rights because human
duties are more important, love is more important, while love of
God is still more important. Human rights should not have
priority before duty, love and piety.
Nowhere is this concept more misleading than in the sphere of
reproductive politics. No, a woman has no right over her body,
neither does a man, nor a child. Our body is on loan from God.
We are not free to do with it whatever we will. Mutilation,
suicide and abortion are equally evil before God.
We have no right to
have children. It is a grace of God that we have them. People
engaged in the surrogate motherhood business try to get children
by force or by theft. Surrogate motherhood is not different from
slavery in its worst form: the slave owner could beget a child
with a slave girl, but he normally would not steal the child and
take him away from his mother. This is what is done by the
father of the surrogate child.
The traditional society had an institution of “bearing on the
knees” as in the case of Jacob, Rachel and Bilhah (Genesis 30),
but there the child’s real mother was not deprived of her child.
The correct question is not “should surrogate mothers be allowed
to carry a child in their body for other people?” as it is sometimes
presented. It is similar to a question “should
one be allowed to feed one’s body to crocodiles?” Naturally, no
woman would give her child away unless being forced. She can be
forced by hunger or by poverty or by force.
Israel, with its huge gay community, is a big buyer of women in
poor countries for their own reproduction. At first, they went
to India, until the Indians decided to stop this form of slavery
and child kidnapping. Then, they went to Nepal. An earthquake
devastated that country, and even this disaster did not tell the
people of Nepal and Israel that their behavior was utterly
sinful and criminal, earning such a divine punishment.
Not only gays are buying children. Many normal couples in Israel
are unable to have children, and they go to the slave trading
agencies. Instead, they should ponder their own behavior and
pray for forgiveness. Children are a blessing, and not everyone
deserves a blessing. The Bible has many stories of barren women
who repented, prayed and their prayer was answered. The Israelis
should cease starving Gaza, open its harbours and borders, and
God will open the wombs of their womenfolk.
They try to cheat God, but God is not a sucker. All the
technical devices will not bring happiness a real, normally-born
child is likely to produce.
Maria Poumier, a French scholar of surrogacy, thinks the buyers
of slave children are due for a lot of unhappiness. “A purchased
son is not loved in the same way as a natural one, but in the
same way one loves a cat or a dog, chosen for the best pedigree;
it can be sold again if unpleasant; that is called “rehoming” in
the case of adopted children. International adoption is over,
because too many cases of stolen children have been proven, and
adopted children become unbearable with their adoptive parents
when grown up, even in the best loving families”.
However, she is optimistic, hoping the slave children educated
in wealthy homes will rise against those who purchased them and
stole them from their enslaved “surrogate” mothers.
In her view, the surrogate agencies are making a lot of money
and spend it to enlarge their base to make more money. The
recent surge of gay interest has been caused by these agencies,
as they consider the gays their potential clients. As surrogacy
is a modern form of slave trade, Jews are the leaders in the
business as they were in slaving, writes Maria Poumier.
Infertility is a very good business, she says quoting Sebastien
Renault’s investigation. “That is why there is such seducing
propaganda for the gay way of life, in order to make them feel
the natural infertility of sodomy as a social injustice. The
gays are considered as new consumers, bringing more income for
the agencies”.
I think that behind their desire to make money there is a much
more malicious reason: the drive for total subjugation of man,
as I wrote at length elsewhere.
This should be fought. There is a law in the books against
kidnapping and the slave trade, and this law should be employed
against the reproductive agencies.
We should take birth, life and death as they come, as was done
by our ancestors. If we won’t stop this plague now, we shall see
our children and grandchildren stripped for organ transplants to
the rich bankers who want to live forever, if not bought and
sold for the amusement of gay couples. We shall see children
being manufactured and mass-produced for transplants, for war,
for labour, as Aldous Huxley prophesied in his too-prescient
book. God’s plans can be overridden only at a huge cost, a cost
that will dwarf the override of Obama’s Iran Treaty.
Israel Shamir can be reached at
This essay has been first published at the
Unz Review.