The Left, the Right and Mammon
By Israel Shamir
[review of Revolution from above, Manufacturing
Dissent in the New World Order, by Kerry Bolton, 250
pages. Arktos 2011, UK]
The Left – including Communist Left – is manipulated by
the super-rich in their own interests. These super-rich
conspire to destroy tradition and create a collectivist
world order of despotism under their own guidance, and
the Left are “useful idiots” of these greedy for power
and money people. This is main thesis of a new book by
Kerry Bolton published by the traditionalist publisher
Arktos (they also published Evola and de Benoist).
Bolton produces numbers and bank accounts (well, almost)
trying to prove that feminism, communism, orange
revolutions, gay movement and sundry forms of dissent
are all sponsored by the oligarchs, Soros or
This is the stuff the Protocols were made of: their
authors claimed the Left, revolutionaries and dissidents
are on the payroll of the bankers. However, the
Protocols marked the Jews as the ultimate plotters and
the Church as the victim or the last defence. Not so in
our case. Bolton thoroughly secularised and sanitised
his discourse. This book has no references to Jews or
the Church (which is suspicious for a theologian the
author is), but it basically remained the same
old-fashioned rightist screed. Without the spiritual
dimension, it is just more boring.
Some of Bolton’s charges are justified up to a point,
but his bias undermines his veracity. Granted, the
Left’s war on Family, Church and Tradition could
contribute to success of the Moneyed Ones. But what
about the Right? The capitalist Right destroys the
essence of Family, Church and Tradition, while upholding
their names. The Left has a fling with Mammon now and
then, but the Right is always in bed with Mammon. The
wealthy guys spend some small change on the leftist
dissidents, because they want to tame them, like one
throws morsels to stray dogs to keep them on friendly
foot (or paw). The leftists often deserve rebuke, I
agree, but the rightists are even worse.
A Traditionalist should not make this mistake. I have a
soft spot towards the Traditionalists and Radical
Conservatives, followers of Guenon, Evola or Dugin.
They are anti-Mammon. They are so far-right, that
far-left can befriend them. They lost their battle in
nineteen thirties, but regained some ground since then.
Usually their political views are sound, whatever one
thinks of their visions. Alain de Benoist’s recent maxim
would endear this right-winger to any true Leftist: "The
main enemy is, on the economic level, capitalism and the
market society; on the philosophical level,
individualism; on the political front, universalism; on
the social front, the bourgeoisie; and on the
geopolitical front, America."
Bolton apparently is not aware that the world changed
since 1870 or even 1903. Then one could say that
“socialism was used as the battering ram by the new-rich
to undermine the old ruling class… and [to install]
worship of Mammon as the meaning of life”. Now, we have
only Mammonites as the ruling class, and it is not fair
to attack leftist dissidents for doing dirty jobs for
the Mammonites, while giving a clean bill of health to
the rightists who are the Mammonites.
Bolton’s attack on Marxism suffers the same deficiency.
He notes that “both Big Business and Marxism view
history as dialectical”, and for this reason capitalists
support socialist movements. There is a better
explanation: history, or rather historical process is
objectively dialectical, and capitalists spend money on
some socialist activists because they want to subvert
and control this dangerous movement.
He impossibly claims that “Marxists believe that
socialism cannot emerge in a peasant society”. Indeed
some Marxists had this view, but that was before Lenin,
Mao, Castro who are as much Marxists as anybody. Bolton
remains stuck in the beginning of twentieth century. He
approvingly quotes Spengler who said that “all radical
parties necessarily become the tools of the Bourse… They
attack Tradition on behalf of the Bourse”. Spengler
wrote these lines before the Russian revolution which
definitely attacked and destroyed the money power, but
Bolton repeats that now.
Indeed some radicals could be used as tools by Money,
but others, chiefly communists, uprooted the Bourse
altogether. So much for the Bolton-Spengler contention
that “there is no Communist movement that has not
operated in the interests of money”. It has now the same
validity as Columbus assertion that Cuba is a part of
Bolton dislikes Plato for he was a collectivist and
believed in some gender equality. This is a view of
pro-market liberals who tell us that Plato is the father
of totalitarianism. Thus Bolton fails two of de Benoist
criteria at once.
Probably the most misleading and annoying part of
Bolton’s book is one dealing with the Bolsheviks and the
Russian revolution. Perhaps he copy-pasted it from a
1920s publication. Bolsheviks were set up by New York
bankers who welcomed the Russian revolution, according
to Bolton. He quotes a congratulatory letter of Jacob
Schiff, the banker, to the NY Times dated March 18, 1917
sharing “joy that the Russians have at last effected
their deliverance from autocratic oppression through
almost bloodless revolution”.
Bolton is not even aware of the profound difference
between the February revolution 1917 (arranged by the
Russian wealthy freemasons) which was applauded and
hailed by the Western financiers, and the October
Bolshevik revolution that undid the February plot. He is
not aware of Arnold Toynbee’s assessment of Bolsheviks
which is almost identical to the Traditionalist reading
of the revolution, whether an older one by Pyotr
Savitski, the founder of Eurasianism, or the new one by
Alexander Dougin, the greatest Traditionalist luminary.
All of them considered Bolsheviks as true
representatives of the Russian spirit meeting the
Western challenge.
Bolton repeats the tales of the White émigrés of 1920s
uncritically. He glorifies Admiral Kolchak, the
self-appointed ‘Supreme Ruler’ of Russia – but Kolchak
came to Russia from the US (like Trotsky) and has been
considered an American agent. Bolton speaks of dreadful
Red terror and Red atrocities, but the Reds were better
than the Whites towards the people, the peasants and
workers. Kolchak’s troops were infamous for their
atrocities and succeeded to antagonise the apolitical
Siberians. The White troops shot industrial workers and
hanged peasants for they were imbibed with class hatred.
Bolton writes approvingly even of Ataman Semyonov, who
was an extremely cruel White commander.
Bolton condemns the US for not doing enough in order to
destroy the Bolsheviks right after the revolution. Well,
Russia is a biggish country, and the US was not keen to
fight it right after fighting Germany. You do not have
to be a hidden Commie to be against an intervention, as
we know on the lessons of Iraq and Iran. Bolton does not
understand that it would not be an easy sailing as the
Reds were more popular than the Whites among the masses.
A civil war is also a form of democracy, an extreme
form, granted: people vote with their bullets instead of
ballots. The Reds won in the civil war because the
people preferred them, not for support of some New York
After their victory, Bolsheviks did not sell their
country to the named bankers. Other way around, they
brought Russia to full economic independence. Bolton
quotes Armand Hammer who said that “he never had any
dealings with Stalin for … he was not a man with whom
you could do business. Stalin believed that the state
was capable of running everything without the support of
foreign concessionaires and private enterprise”. Bolton
also admits that Stalin refused to play ball with CFR
and fit into the new world order, or even to discuss it.
But was not Stalin an epitome of a Communist? One thinks
that this admitted case would force Bolton to reconsider
his main thesis, but it did not.
Bolton also refers to Grose, who wrote that the USSR
rejected all appeals to establish a World State, and
that the Cold War was a real thing, “a genuine divide
between globalists and the Soviet block”, not a
“conspiracy to fool the world”. Fine! But afterwards, he
reverses to his view that the Left is just a tool of the
After thus dealing with the Russian revolution, the
author moves on various dissident movements and attempts
to prove they were set up by the super-rich. There is
Marcuse, and feminists, and drugs, and rock-and-roll,
and modern art, Kinsey report, psychedelic revolution,
sex and pornography, and Adorno, and Frankfurt school,
and LSE, and NGOs, and NED – all these persons and
movements were organised by a secret society of the
very-rich Mammonites. What he actually shows that some
of them received grants or another financial support or
There is some truth in his accusations: money passed
hands. However, there are much easier explanations than
the deadly conspiracy of Kali Yuga adepts. In order to
preserve capitalism, privilege and social inequality,
the Western elites indeed try to distract the people,
especially the rebellious and dynamic ones. Let them use
drugs, drink beer, dance all night along and make no
meaningful changes or revolutions. Pseudo-left movements
and pseudo-radical agenda were promoted in order to keep
people away from real radicalism. The people in power
prefer us to discuss gender politics rather than wealth
And some conspiracies, or secretly made plans, do exist.
Secret agencies, notably the CIA like to have a finger
in every pie. It is well known that the CIA promoted
Jackson Pollock, the abstract painter, as a proof of
American culture potency against West European
Americanophobia. CIA spent much money on development of
youth subculture in order to subvert the Soviets, or so
they say.
NED is a well-known “open conspiracy” financed by the US
administration to supplement CIA efforts to undermine
unfriendly regimes.
However, this is not a proof that there is One Huge
Conspiracy of the Super-rich to create the World
Government. There are many conspiracies, big and small,
there are many views and tendencies, and they can’t be
reduced to a single ill will.
Despite all these remarks, Bolton’s book has some
interesting pages, and can be read – with a grain of