Bloody Passovers of Dr Toaff – follow up
The storm caused by publication of Dr Toaff’s
Passovers of Blood is not abating. The tortured and almost
crucified professor Toaff is forced to a
new act of repentance on daily basis. Haaretz reported that
now “He now wants to make it clear that the Jews of Trent did
not murder Simon or any other Christian children for ritual
purposes. Toaff will also make it clear that the blood of dead
Christians could not possibly have been used, whether in food,
beverages or for medicinal or magical purposes, because the
blood traded by Jews and Christians at the time came from living
donors, not corpses. His conclusion is that Jews could not
possibly have murdered Christian children for their blood.”
If they would turn the screw a bit more, Toaff would confess
he murdered St Simon personally in order to place the blame on
blameless Jews.
Israeli parliament
plans to send Dr Toaff to jail. Holocaust denial is already
criminal offence; but denial of Trent horror is a duty.
Negationist, or denier, is now a term for a Jew who denies the
blood sacrifices. This and other interesting items are available
in Italian in on the
site of our daring Italian friend Claudio Moffa.
Before continuing with coverage, let us
see the readers’ letters:
Ian Buckley wrote:
Like a chill wind from the past - so it was
true after all, in larger or smaller part.
But it must have been true - or why else
would Burton's last book have been suppressed for 100 years? Or
why else would the shrine of the boy Hugh of Lincoln be
surreptiously dismantled by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln
Cathedral? More on little Hugh of Lincoln : around 4 or 5 years
ago, I remember a news story about some good old British
'eccentric' who was arrested after distributing leaflets about
the case. But the trial for this 'crime' never took place as it
was suddenly decided on high that it would 'not be in the public
interest to proceed'.
The court rolls relating to the original 1255
case are still closed I believe. While some of the accused were
hanged after the trial - held in part in front of
Henry III himself - others were acquitted and set free, which
hardly squares with the concept of mob justice. Torture was not
used on the defendants, either.
Maybe it should best be viewed as the
consequence of an ideology. But it no way should individual Jews
who don't share or uphold that ideology be blamed. There is
another side. Adam, I recently saw an old film ' A Kid for Two
Farthings' which was obviously almost wholly Jewish in its
milieu and background. It depicted a world which was so very
much more human and normal in every way than the sleazy, mad and
degenerate Britain of Bliar. Likewise, one of my favourite
singers, Alma Cogan, is remembered as a wholly decent and loving
We know how the Jewish 'church' should be
regarded - you are its Voltaire -but individual Jews can be
good, bad or indifferent, just like everyone else.
Shamir replied:
For sure, Ian, "But
it no way should individual Jews who don't share or uphold that
ideology be blamed. There is another side." This is as true as
that individual Englishmen should not be blamed for Harris the
Bomber, for mass murders in India, for shelling Kagoshima, for
invading North America... There is another side, England of
Shakespeare and Chesterton, of these lovely churches you send me
so many pictures, of afternoon tea, of willowy maidens etc. This
is the world, this is mankind, and bad deeds of our ancestors
are there to keep us modest, while their good deeds are there to
aspire to.
From John Powell, Florida
I just now read your gorgeously lengthy review of Toaff's book.
Your review is Brilliant!! Awesome!!! A Masterpiece!!!!
Especially powerful and insightful was your notice of the fact
that people such as Dershowitz are pro-torture (and confident in
torture's results) when the torture is committed against
Muslims; but those same Dershowitz types are anti-torture (and
disparaging of torture's results) when the topic is torture
committed against Jews.
Genius!!!!! Your mind is a magnificent universe!
You go to inner places, and see inner elements, which are not
visited nor seen by anyone else except you!
Brilliant!!!!! Long Live Israel Adam Shamir!!!!!!
John Powell
Florida, USA
From Tarik Hussein, Denmark
I really LOVED your piece on St. Simon, siding
with murdered children suddenly comes out original, which is
thought-provoking and highly entertaining. Someone else should
look at the humouristic take on it. I mean, here we have it from
scientific quarters, confirmed by the extreme touchiness and
frantic denials of all the Great and Good Jews, that Jews
really like to devour the blood of Christian children on
Passover, Christians should think about that before they hire a
Jewish nanny. I can sure fancy Abe Foxman preferring to fill
his expensive wineglass with fresh Christian baby blood,
or having his morning bread with butter made of Christian child
fat, eating Christian foetus brains as delicacies...
Only a bit more seriously, the fact that some Jews feel
genuinely disturbed on behalf of all Jews because of
something like that is frankly a sick but also very funny joke!
From Prof Manifacier
I read your review of Dr Toaff book with great interest. Until
today, these ritual murder stories were but an example of
antisemitic propaganda, just to say that I am not familiar at
all with stories concerning these murders and I haven’t heard
before of Dr Ariel Toaff.
I had nonetheless a quick look at some of the references, in
particular the “catholic “ and the “jewish version” of these
events. The jewish version start with a prediction of the
“semidemented” (is there a proof of that?) Franciscan friar
Bernardini of Feltre: .....”predicting “that at the next jewish
Passover a ritual murder would occur”. Again, is there a proof,
and which one, (no gossip) of this prediction? And so on...
this version seems to me of dubious value. The “catholic
version” can be criticised too, but not in he same manner.
Some thoughts came to my mind:
1- If the confessions of the “killers” were unacceptable,
because obtained under “physical torture”, why would the
retractation of Dr Toaff, rabbi son of a rabbi, be accepted when
obtained under “mental torture”?
2- There is something to be written concerning this increase of
“highly praised public retractations”. I have in mind the recent
and speedy one of President J. Chirac concerning iranian atomic
weapons which were not so dangerous after all. ( this from an
interview he gave to journalists of the NYT and Nouvel
3- More generally, how can we discuss freely ancient historical
events when our real time history is distorted on a day to day
basis by the very people who are supposed to inform us? To give
an example, how will the future generations interpret or learn
about these ignominies: irakis, palestinians etc. suffering, if
the neocon mentality prevail in the News?
4- “Herod .... bathing in blood of babies” (maybe true) reminded
me of a Fox News story where an iraki dissident was explaining
that Saddam Hussein was taking showers in the blood of his
victims (probably false).
You do a lot for more justice in Palestine and elsewhere. I
appreciate your articles (and the ones of Gilad Atzmon and
others). It is quite distressing when we realise that the very
people we try to protect may not yet appreciate our fight. But,
after all, compassion is the only mondialisme I like. This is a
long struggle and in the end the platonic idea of beauty, be it
truth or real justice, will prevail.
Take care, JCM
From: Thomas, Hollywood,
Greetings from America, where we still enjoy some freedom of
thought and religion, for now.
I enjoyed immensely your article, The Bloody Passovers of Dr
Toaff, really interesting, and scary, especially for one
like myself who works in an industry greatly under the control
of a lot of Eastern European Jews. I had better mind what I
Since discovering your web site I've enjoyed reading, and
gotten a lot of enlightenment about your end of the world,
thanks so much!
With Best Regards,
Thomas, Director.
From David Duke (in order to save you
indignation for better occasions: Duke is not a member of KKK
for some 30 years, and since then he proved a fearless
anti-zionist. He visited Damascus and Tehran, so he is friendly
to Muslims. A friend of Louis Farrakhan, he should not be
considered an enemy of blacks, either).
What a wonderful and extremely brilliant
article you wrote on the Bloody Passovers of Dr. Toaff! Your
juxtaposition of the invalidation of tortured confessions with
Guantanamo and Israel and Nuremberg: priceless. Your use of
language was precise and artistic throughout. It is amazing that
you are not a native English speaker, but you write better than
99 percent of the leading writers of English who are published
I wrote a small commentary on the issue and your piece and put a
few paragraphs of the article with a link to your site. I hope
it brings you a lot of traffic as the is currently
getting a terrific audience
today all over the world.
And now back to Dr Toaff and his research.
“A research study like this, published
supposedly in the name of academic freedom, erodes the moral
validity of banning Holocaust denial,”
said Dr. Ron Breiman, a member of the right-wing Professors
for a Strong Israel. “Even if factually, Toaff's study is
correct, it is not good for Jews” and thus should not take
Why Toaff’s research is important? Black
magic blood rituals were practiced by Jews and non-Jews alike in
the Middle Ages and later on. Michael Pellivert correctly if
said “And supposing they did drink blood?” The Jews want to
feel superior: everybody may be reminded of a fault or a crime
committed by his ancestors, but the Jews have to feel themselves
some holy Ubermensch. However, the Jews lose in comparison.
The difference between Jew and non-Jew is
that non-Jew would not have the protection of his community. For
a non-Jewish murderous sorcerer, nobody will go to bribe bishops
and curia, kings and judges. A Jewish murderer – whether a
sorcerer or a plain mass killer like Sharon – will always be
protected by the Jewish community. His crime will be denied or
minimised, while crimes towards Jews are capitalised.
The study of Dr Toaff may help our friends
over-involved with the Holocaust narrative to see the light.
This narrative is a means de-jour of proclaiming eternal
suffering of Jews and of causing guilt feelings among the
goyim. When one reads Jewish and Judeophile pre-war texts, one
notices that the place presently occupied by the Holocaust was
not vacant; it was taken by other narratives: by pogroms in
Russia, by Dreifus trials, by inquisition, by expulsion from
Spain, by destruction of the Temple and to a great extent by
“blood libel”. These narratives caused creation of
counter-narratives: the narrative of pogroms was successfully
debunked by Kozhinov, etc. and now the “blood libel” was
countered by Dr Toaff and Dr Yuval.
In a funny spoof blog there is a proposal how
should one deal with any reference to such misdeed: If a goy
ever brings it up again, charge him with anti-semitism. Give him
that withering sanctimonious glare and say "You are bringing up
that old anti-semitic canard, again? Next you will be quoting
from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion! How long must we
suffer at your hands?" HAHAHA. Always mention the "Protocols of
the Elders of Zion". That really shames 'em.
Jews are not free to enquire, unless their
enquiries lead to the Good for Jews. And what is it is not good
for Jews, asked Lily Galili in Haaretz:
It would have been far easier to dismiss
the book if the author had been Christian. Then the dilemma
could have quickly been solved by branding the scholar an
anti-Semite. It's also easy to
dispense with radical Diaspora Jews who not only attack Israel's
policies but also sometimes challenge its very right to exist.
They can simply be dubbed self-hating Jews. The matter becomes
much more complicated when a Jewish scholar from a religious
Jewish university touches on an issue that arouses primordial
Jewish fears.
"I am less worried about the ramifications in
Europe, which is currently undergoing a process of
secularization," said Hebrew University of Jerusalem professor
Israel Jacob Yuval, who teaches Jewish history. "However, I am
very concerned about reactions in the Islamic world, where a
story like this could ignite passions and be utilized for other
Yuval, who totally rejects the possibility of
any truth behind the blood libels, given the precarious nature
of the Jewish minority's existence in medieval Europe, himself
became a target for academic attacks in connection with this
emotionally charged topic. In 1993, he published an article in
which he argued that 12th-century European blood libels were
related to Jewish behavior during the First Crusade, when, in
acts of martyrdom, Jews committed suicide and killed their own
children. Yuval investigated the way reports of these acts were
distorted in Christendom, where it was claimed that, if Jews
could kill their own children, they most certainly were killing
Christian children. Although he argued that the blood libels
were groundless and were merely a Christian fantasy, he came
under severe attack from his academic colleagues. Scholarly
articles maintained that he had made the Jewish victims
responsible for the blood libels, and that he was desecrating
their martyrdom. He later learned that people had even called
for his dismissal from the faculty. Despite his own experiences,
he does not believe that scholars should refrain from publishing
what they consider to be valid findings.
Although Bar-Ilan claims it has no intention
of hurting Toaff's academic standing, the whole affair raises
the issue of academic freedom of expression in Israel. The issue
became a matter of public debate in the controversy over a
University of Haifa master's thesis. Theodore Katz, a graduate
student, argued that the Israel Defense Forces' Alexandroni
Brigade conducted a massacre in the Arab village of Tantura
during the Israeli War of Independence. In a letter the
commander of the operation circulated among the brigade's former
members, he claimed that the "feelings of frustration and
humiliation are only comparable to the emotions generated by a
blood libel."
Some Israeli scholars maintain that
researchers should censor themselves and should always consider
whether or not their work is "good for the Jews."
Historian Moshe Zimmerman, a Hebrew
University professor, has personally experienced such
censorship. Zimmerman, who loves being provocative, once stated
that the Jewish settlers in Hebron were raising their children
along the lines of the Hitler Youth. To this day, he argues that
the analogy was the product of academic research. The result was
dismal. "My colleagues demanded that I be sacked," he recalled.
"Although I was not dismissed, my possibilities of promotion at
the university narrowed. In my case, as in Toaff's, there was
talk that the 'university's donors are starting to get upset.'
And that is certainly a threat."
Another interesting response is
a lengthy article of Dr Ronnie Po-chia Hsia, a Yale scholar
of Hong Kong origin, who penned a book on Trent Murder.
He begins with: “On Easter Sunday 1475, the
dead body of a 2-year-old Christian boy named Simon was found in
the cellar of a Jewish family's house in Trent, Italy.”
The Jewish encyclopedia says the child was
found in the vicinity of a Jewish house. But the expert
says “The child was found in the cellar of certain Jews”, and he
did not get there by himself. However, the Yale man does not
care about the killed child, and does not try to explain how
come the body was found there, and who and what for mutilated
it. He says callously: “Passover was indeed
bloody, but it was the blood of the Jews that bore witness to a
violent fantasy born out of intolerance. “ What about blood of
murdered children, Po-chia Hsia? They were not Jews,
they are not likely to be your employers, but they were human!
How do you dare to deny their blood?
“In a series of interrogations that involved
liberal use of judicial torture, the magistrates obtained the
confessions of the Jewish men. “Po-chia Hsia builds his case on
the word Torture. If the accused were tortured, their
confessions are invalid, he claims. Tho’ accused “believed
firmly that it is right that Jews kill Christian children and
drink their blood. He want[ed] to have Christian blood at
Easter”. It is all due to Torture, says the Yale scholar.
Po-chia Hsia misses the point, for the
Italian state and church authorities of 15th c acted
humanely by applying torture to Jews, for this was application
of Jewish law to Jews, as the Jewish law approves of torture. So
we were told not only by Alain Dershowitz, but by a Jewish
expert on ethics, Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, Business Ethics Center
of Jerusalem, in an article with alluring title
The Jewish Ethicist - The Ethics of Torture . He was asked:
“What does Judaism say about torturing suspects in order to
obtain life-saving information?” and he replies:
“Any person with life-saving information is
obligated to reveal it (duty of rescue), and that the right of
self-defense would justify aggressive actions to compel the
knower to disclose his information. .. By failing to act the
potential informant makes it possible for a calamity to occur. .
. It is thus clear that the law of pursuit sanctions any form of
bodily force, including mayhem, when necessary to preserve the
life of the victim… In Jewish law, the hinge of the argument is
the obligation of the informant himself to help others. In this
surprising fashion, the sanction for torture becomes an
expression of his humanity, rather than of his inhumanity. We
are allowed to cause him pain precisely because we insist,
despite his enmity, on viewing him as someone who has his own
ethical obligations to his fellow human beings. “
Thus, the church investigators were “allowed
to cause [the Jews] pain precisely because we insist, despite
their enmity, on viewing them as someone who has his own ethical
obligations to help his fellow human beings”. In short, “the
sanction for torture becomes an expression of his humanity”; and
Jews applied this norm in many Israeli jails, in jail of al-Khiayam
in the occupied South Lebanon, and as advisers to Abu Ghraib. So
what’s wrong with applying this Jewish norm to Jews?
Torture is most common in the US as you can
The Yale scholar continues: “The pope
intervened and suspended the trial. Appeals from the Venetian
and Jewish communities moved Sixtus IV to appoint the Dominican
Baptista Dei Giudici, Bishop of Ventigmiglia, as the apostolic
commissioner to investigate the affair. The trial in Trent was
highly irregular. The 1247 Decretum of Pope Innocent IV had
prohibited ritual murder trials on account of the judicial
abuses involved and the violence against the Jews. Dei Giudici's
task, therefore, was precisely to see whether abuses and
excessive violence were involved in the judicial procedure in
Can you imagine that a Decretum of Pope or a
Decree of President would prohibit trials of clergy on charges
of pedophilia? Or trials of bankers on charges of embezzlement?
The Holy See was indebted to Jews, and acted as their protector.
The Bishop of Ventigmiglia was supposed to stop the trial, but
the people did not allow it. Indeed, the elites were always good
to Jews, it’s ordinary simple folk that suffered and therefore
was hostile to them.
This story is not over for Dr Toaff who is
being persecuted for his devotion to truth. This story is not
over, because every inch of Jewish sanctimonious
self-righteousness is used to pressure Iran and attack Gaza.
These guys are not content with ruling American and European
minds: they want to remain invisible rulers and holy martyrs.
This should be denied.