A Cold Summer for Europe
• AUGUST 8, 2015

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Summer reigns all over Europe, from Greece to Sweden. Vacations have
emptied the offices, and filled the beaches. Flowers bloom all over, and
their fragrance flows like a river. Endless festivals, performances and
art compositions embellish the quaint old cities. But things are not as
ever before. The old continent is sick. Living is easy, but not for you.
Fish are jumping, and unemployment is high.
‘Austerity for all but banksters and the corrupt politicians’ is the
motto of the day. The welfare state shrinks, but military budgets
expand, and NATO grows despite the austerity. The EU member countries
(save Germany) are de-industrialised, their workers lose skills and go
into services. A golf caddy is less likely to cause trouble than an
industrial worker. Never has democracy felt so much a sham as nowadays.
After the Syriza debacle of Greece, there is a very little trust for
left-wing rhetoric. In the whole modern history of Europe, there was not
such a shameful surrender, or even treason. ‘Alexis Tsipras’ is a Greek
translation of ‘Vidkun Quisling’ or of ‘Maréchal Pétain’. The man
received the full support of his people, and chickened out. (The first
step of Syriza after the fiasco was to enter into military
cooperation with Israel.) Now only the far-right Golden
Dawn speaks loudly against surrender to the bankers, but this
is a party in opposition, and it risks nothing by speaking out.
The parties of the left and of the right are now quite similar. Europe
has neither true Left nor true Right anymore. The pseudo-Left supports
imperialist wars and unmans the man. The pseudo-Right supports
imperialist wars and cuts taxes for the wealthy. It was more fun with
the traditional parties, with the Right hating financiers, supporting
tradition, church, and family, and the Left fighting the bourgeoisie,
caring for workers, and aiming for social justice. In Douglas Adams’
words, “men were real men, women were real women and small furry
creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha
Centauri.” Now they all promote women to the boards of multinationals,
compete for Jewish donations and argue who is better for the gays.
In important questions, they are same-same, as my Chinese landlady used
to shrill. Both left and right stands for more immigration, though the
left explains that by humanitarian reasons and by anti-racism, while the
right looks for a cheap work force to keep native workers obedient. The
bottom line is the same.
People threatened by mass immigration often vote for the right, as they
mistakenly think some token racism will be translated into action. Alas,
in vain. Consider Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French President. He would
drop a racist line, to flirt with his electorate, but by bombing Libya
he sent more immigrants to France than any left-winger would. Well,
perhaps François Hollande, the present President, can compete with him,
as his support for Syrian rebels did send a million refugees to Europe.
In the UK, Tony Blair destroyed Labour. He turned the old party of
workers and miners into Tory Lite. Blair supported every American
military campaign and earned the honourable title of the British Poodle.
A great friend of Israel and of the Israel Lobby is another of his
titles. Blair is out, but his party supporters are still in. And they
keep losing.
The Labour rank-and-file would like to see Jeremy Corbyn as their
leader. Blair hates him, and this is surely a good recommendation. He is
supposed to be a new Michael Foot, who was a great man in pre-Thatcher
Britain. Corbyn stands for nuclear disarmament, he spoke positively of
Hamas and Hezbollah, voted against AmericanDrang
nach Osten wars. Littlewood called him
“the antidote to zionist bite”. He would change things, if he ever makes
it. Probably they will keep him out: the people behind the parties
prefer weak and wet politicians.
The far-right BNP claims to be the heir of true Labour. They say the
British workers vote for them. Their claim is not entirely without
merit. True Left – whether the Soviet variety, the Chinese or the Cuban
one – was strictly against immigration. But immigration is only one
issue among many, while the BNP narrowed its field to anti-Muslim
politics. They do not even try to deal with the real problem – the
excessive wealth of the few built upon the impoverishment of the many.
The Front National in France has more redeeming features, and more
supporters. In reality, the FN is probably the only alive and kicking
French party, the rest are dead. The FN is for taking France out of NATO
and out of the EC, for friendship with Russia and for regaining France’s
lost sovereignty. Their arrival at Palais d’Elysée would change things
in Europe: if it would ever occur.
The main problem of Europe is American occupation. This is the source of
trouble. In 1945, the continent was shared between the US and the USSR.
In 1991, the Russians moved out, but no freedom came: the Americans
moved in, occupying the whole of Europe from Narva in Estonia to Oeiras
in Portugal, from Souda Bay on Crete to Ørland in Norway. Beside
military hardware, they enforced their political agenda. Their yoke lies
heavy upon Europe’s grey stones. The steps they force the European
leaders to take hurt the continent. The leaders make wrong decisions,
and the people pay for them.
Europe had a great buyer for its output. Russia bought its machinery and
cheeses, abundant wine and cars, and delivered cheap gas and oil. The US
stopped this profitable trade in its tracks. Now the Europeans dump
their apples and cheese, spend more on military purchases and import
expensive American gas.
Europe had a maverick friend over the sea, a retired colonel Kaddafi. He
sold cheap oil, imported European goods for his prosperous small
population, and kept millions of Africans occupied in Libya. Under
American guidance, NATO bombed Libya, the colonel was sodomized by a gun
barrel and lynched, his country destroyed. Africans went to Europe on
every small boat they could find.
Europe had a friend in Damascus, an ex-eye doctor from London. He bought
European goods, kept his country ship-shape, visited Paris. Under
American guidance, this gentle man was called a ‘génocidaire’; weapons
were delivered to his enemies, the fanatic Muslim takfiris.
His country was devastated, and millions of Syrian refugees escaped to
They followed the Iraqis, whose country was laid low by the US invasion
of 2003. The most advanced country of the Middle East, with free
education and free medical care, with best engineers and a strong army,
was turned into a nest of sectarian strife, while millions of Iraqis
went to Europe. The Afghanis, Palestinians, Arabs, Africans pour into
Europe from their countries smashed by the iron fist of the US Armed
My friend, Roger van Zwanenberg of Pluto books, thinks that
terrible destruction of the Middle East in the US-led wars is due to
Zionist influence and it serves Israel’s desire to fragment the region
and subdue it in the Greater Land of Israel from Nile to Euphrates
paradigm. It is a plausible thought, bearing in mind the recent scene of
Netanyahu’s veneration in the US Congress. The promoters of the wars
were mainly Israel-firsters, neocons, Wolfowitz, Perle et al. They
pushed for invasion of Iraq, they demanded war on Iran.
But why would these megalomaniacs limit their dreams of dominance to the
Middle East? Why not world dominance? If they want to break into pieces
the old societies of the Middle East, they can do it in Europe as well,
by the same coin. Europe is a
victim of the conflict. Without these wars, waves of immigration would
not cover Europe. So whoever planned and executed these wars probably
intended to undo Europe as well as the Middle East, and Europe was the
most important intended victim, as it needed to be subdued on the path
to world dominance. And the Middle East is not the only source of
refugees and immigrants.
Once the EU was a union of successor states of Charlemagne’s empire, and
perhaps, a conceivable idea. But the US took control over Brussels, and
forced them to accept East European states, all led by anti-communist
devotees of America. Within the EU, the developed countries of the old
union devoured the less developed outsiders. The Baltic states lost over
third of their populations. Latvia went down from 2.7 million in the end
of Soviet days to 1.9 million now. Lithuania went down from 3.7 to 2.9
million. Romania, once freed by the iron will of Nicolae Ceausescu from
its debts, now once again is indebted to the hilt. Their impoverished
citizens crowded the cities of the Western Europe.
Consider Sweden. This is coldest summer for many years in Sweden. July
was as cool as April, but the cold did not stop the inflow of refugees.
In front of every supermarket, of every underground and rail station of
Sweden, from Kiruna to Lund, sits a gypsy beggar with a plastic cup for
alms in his or her hand. They came from Romania and Hungary, fellow EU
states, with quite a low standard of living, but within the Schengen
Zone, so they do not need a visa. They do not come by their volition,
they were sent by their barons who build huge castles and furnish them
in the best garish gypsy style on the levy the beggars pay them. After
three months on the Swedish pavements, they go home to be replaced by
another bunch of beggars.
The Swedish police does not interfere with these beggars. They say there
is no law to stop gypsies. They are afraid to be condemned for race
profiling if they will. The gypsies are colourful; there are men and
women, old and middle age, no more than two at every place. Logistics
can’t be easy: so many people so evenly distributed, but the gypsy
barons manage it smoothly: I never observed a fight, or even a quarrel,
between the beggars. They have been trained to smile; something you
never see in Eastern Europe, where beggars are as grim as 1950s
Refugees from Somalia and Sudan, victims of previous US interventions,
do not beg. They crowd smaller Swedish towns; the Swedish state pays for
their accommodation and provides some small money for their living. They
are not allowed to work, and there is no demand for their labour anyway.
They just sit and wait while their applications for refuge are being
processed and (usually) declined. Then they disappear from the radar.
Do not weep for all the Swedes, though. The landlords make a fortune
from this arrangement, so do officials. The Swedish state pays SEC 500
(€50) per night per room for the refugees. This is a very good business
in small far-away towns. Usually, the state prefers bigger landlords
with many rooms to offer, and they are able to offer a kick-back to the
official in charge of the accommodation. Amusingly, the man considered
“the most outspoken Swedish racist” and a fighter against immigration,
Bert Karlsson, made mega-bucks renting rooms for the Somalis.
In addition to refugees and immigrants delivered to Sweden by the US
wars and US-dictated enlargement of the EU, Sweden and other West
European countries are undermined by the US-led gender rearrangement of
life. There are few children; schools are being closed. Gays have their
fullest rights; women have priority in taking jobs. Boys have fewer
opportunities: from state TV to barbershops, the jobs are taken by
women. The priests of the Swedish church are mainly females; the state
appointed bishops known for their support for female priesthood.
“Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism”, quipped Julian Assange, the
Wikileaks’ founder, imprisoned for the third year in the Ecuador embassy
in London. He is an expert: two Swedish girls complained he raped them
because he had consensual but unprotected sex with them. The Swedish
prosecutor Marianne Ny said that in such cases, a man should be in jail,
even if it turns out he is innocent. Sweden has the highest rate of rape
complaints, and the highest rate of these complaints dismissed as
untrue. This does not promote love between sexes.
The education amounts to unmanning
of men, and gorgeous Swedish girls often prefer more
masculine foreign males. (I know, as a tanned and moustachioed foreign
male, I married a gorgeous Swedish girl, many years ago). Swedes marry
less and less, and have fewer children, despite very generous government
Many conservative observers put the blame on feminists. Yet even though
men have clearly lost the war, the victory of women wilts under
examination. Once upon a time women had a choice: they could join the
business world or stay at home with the kids. Once upon a time women
could raise a family without guilt. Once upon a time women could enjoy
being flirted with. Not any more. The unmanning of man was quickly
followed by the un-womaning of woman.
There is an understanding between the holders of power that feminised
men are easier to control – this is a reason why they encourage
homosexuality. Unmanning men is a linchpin in the reprogramming of
mankind into an obedient herd, because strong men are unpredictable.
Strong men are prone to rebellion, ready for sacrifice and primed for
action. It is no coincidence that the enemies of Empire are all
masculine males, be they Qaddafi, Castro, Chavez, Lukashenko, Putin – or
Julian Assange. It appears the men have been targeted for elimination;
the working ants need no sex.
Swedes have made a cult of blacks, also imported from the US, if we can
judge byRachel
Dolezal. The blacks are supposed to be better and smarter
than whites. In theTerminator movie,
it is a black scientist who invents the marvellous chip; he fights
together with the white woman-fighter against evil white men. A black
Morpheus in the Matrix is
a Zion (sic!) operative, saving human race. There was a black President
in the Fifth
Element before Obama. Many childless Swedes adopt
imported black and Asian children, another American cultural trend
established by Angelina Jolie. This reverse racism is no different from
the ordinary variety. Blacks are fine, but in no way they are better
than pink-and-white Swedes.
Ordinary Swedes are unhappy. In a small town with high percent of
refugees and immigrants, some 40% vote for the far right party, the
Sweden Democrats. They have got 12% in the whole of the country despite
a ferocious campaign against them in the media.
The Left received a relative majority of the seats in the Parliament,
after years of Right rule. After the election, the mainstream Left and
Right joined forces on a compromise agenda, ostensibly – to keep the
Sweden Democrats out. The Left voters felt cheated. Why bother and vote,
if the result is a compromise between the parties?
Do not weep over the Sweden Democrats’ fate, either. This is a timid
pro-Zionist party whose best known political action to-date was to stage
a gay parade through a Muslim neighbourhood. They extoll the Jewish
state, as their brethren in other European countries do. They accept the
gender agenda of the New World Order. They are against immigrants and
refugees, never against those who send the waves of the immigrants to
Sweden. The other way around: they support the Kiev regime, this pet
bastard of the Neocons, and hate Russia as every good NWO supporter
So, it is difficult to see where the freedom of the continent will come
from, and whether it can come at all.
Israel Shamir can be contacted at adam@israelshamir.net
First published at
the Unz Review