Israel Shamir and Paul
Bennett on the latest Sex Scandal:
Enough of boring stuff of Afghan stiffs and Pentagon staffs!
Not a minute too early, when we were about to succumb to boredom of approaching
rainy autumn, we were hit by the new release of …
The Amazing adventures of Captain Neo
in Blonde-land
…as no doubt the story of Julian Assange’s escapades in
Sweden will be known once it inevitably makes its way into the hands of one of
the goofier Hollywood directors – say Robert Zemeckis or Mel Brooks, or perhaps
Stephen Herek of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. It would do better in
the hands of Andy Wachowski, where he might do for Julian Assange what he once
did for Keanu Reeves.
Who could ask for a more beautiful set-up? It’s a story fit
for a tabloid, yet it might be transformed into something an intellectual could
read without embarrassment. This latest adventure is the stuff of pulp fiction,
and chock full of Langley spies, computer hackers, crazy feminists, flatfooted
cops and sleazy rags in the female kingdom of Sweden!
Assange is a character that might have been ripped from the celluloid frames of
the Matrix: flaxen and lanky, he moves through cyberspace like a
superman. When, on those rare occasions that he does emerge into the real world,
it is to perform Kung Fu exercises. He hardly ever eats or drinks. His corporeal
body can normally be found sitting in front of a MacPro or two, while his
digital alter ego commutes and computes, battling the odds and the system in
fantastic virtual combat. Like Neo, he is a natural-born hacker who hacked just
for the heck of it until he discovered the Matrix. He had hundreds of remarkable
hacking achievements to his name when in 1992 he pleaded guilty to twenty-two of
them. I like to think that someday, after he has passed on in the fullness of
time, he will become a kind of guardian angel for hackers, or perhaps the Greek
God of Cyberspace with His Golden Board, forever surfing the web.
His adventurous style and quick wit have earned him many
Swedish fans, and so when Fate led him into the sun-drenched late summer of
Sweden, Julian found himself dazzled by reddening apples, cooling lakes, and
boisterous crayfish-parties. Captain Neo soon paid the price for letting down
his guard! It was only a few days later that this unassuming computer geek awoke
to discover his own face plastered across a tabloid’s front page, and the
headlines screaming Arrest of Double Rapist Imminent! Imagine yourself on
vacation, visiting friends, and finding yourself suddenly the object of a
nationwide manhunt. Captain Neo felt the eerie presence of the Matrix, and he
pinched himself to make sure he was still in the real world. The newspaper was
still there on the table, and it told him – and all of Sweden – that two women
had accused him of rape, and that the police were closing in.
No, Captain Neo did not passively wait for the police to come
to his door. Captain Neo is no stranger to the tactics of the Matrix. Ever since
Julian’s WikiLeaks website had published the Afghan War Diary (a huge
pile of secret intelligence reports that reveal the dirty war the US is running
against Afghanistan), Uncle Sam has been hunting for ways to have him carted off
to Guantanamo. A
Right Wing News site has, just below an icon of Sarah Palin, recommended a
summary death sentence for our hero: Can we have a
CIA agent with a sniper rifle rattle a bullet around his skull the next time he
appears in public as a warning? You bet we can -- and we should. If that's too
garish for people, then the CIA can kill him and make it look like an accident.
Either way, Julian Assange deserves to die.
Thousands of right-wing American sites bristle with similar murderous commentary
about our beleaguered computer programmer.
Captain Neo understands death squads. To forestall further
threats, Assange publicly placed a huge, encrypted file onto the WikiLeaks site.
This file contains all the most sensitive secret information he has in his
possession. He called it Insurance, and thousands of activists all over
the world await the password that will release this Pandora’s Box onto the heads
of the US administration.
Instead, the Matrix plays dirty and lets loose a sex bomb
upon our intrepid Neo. When you can’t contest the message, you smear the
messenger. Sweden is tailor made for sending a young man into a honey trap.
Sweden is content to leave politics to the women, and that makes for
particularly thorny anti-rape legislation, where a conviction might be secured
from something as thin as an anonymous accuser’s allegation.
In any case, our lucky
Neo Julian Assange was only able to enjoy his fugitive-from-justice status for a
few hours. By noon, the charges were already dropped, and he was free to be
defamed from one end of Sweden to the other, not to mention the countless
websites. It’s a simple system: the websites show the headlines, and the
headlines report the web gossip. It’s Character Assassination 101, but why in
Sweden of all places couldn’t the dirty tricks department make the accusations
bloggers uncovered the full story in a few hours. The complaint was lodged by a
radical feminist Anna Ardin, 30, a one-time intern in the Swedish Foreign
Service and a minor political activist. She had invited Julian Assange to a
crayfish party, and they had enjoyed some quality time together. When Ardin
discovered that Julian shared a similar experience with a 20-year-old woman a
day or two later, she obtained the younger woman’s cooperation in declaring
before the police that changing partners in so rapid a manner constituted a sort
of deceit. And deceit is a sort of rape. The prosecutor immediately issued an
arrest warrant, and the press was duly notified. Once the facts were examined in
the cold light of day, the charge of rape seemed ludicrous and was immediately
dropped. In the meantime the younger woman, perhaps realizing how she had been
used, withdrew her report, leaving the vengeful Anna Ardin standing alone.
This story is nothing new: a star-crazed woman beds a
celebrity and then lodges a complaint in a fit of revenge as soon as she
discovers he prefers a younger woman. Feminists simply will not put up with this
type of male behaviour; they call it rape, especially when the act is consensual
because condescension is harder to bear than mere violence. The fault lies in
the feminised Swedish system of justice and its reflexive targeting of men.
Suppose a man prefers not to use condoms, does that take away a woman’s right to
say no? Does having had unprotected sex with two women make him a ‘double
However, before we absolve the Swedish police as unwitting,
if zealous, dupes, please note that Swedish law strictly forbids police and
prosecutors to release to the media the details of any rape-connected complaint.
The Expressen had all the details of the case, including the names of the
accused and the complainant, within a matter of minutes. Please note further
that the right-wing tabloid Expressen belongs to the Bonners family, the
biggest media owners in Sweden, who are not only pro-American but very much
pro-Israel, too. As you know, the pro-Israeli lobby is warmly supportive of
America’s Middle Eastern wars, while Assange and his WikiLeaks have the
potential to undermine America’s weakening support for the war.
Were the criminal reporters of the Expressen that
good, or is it possible that Ms. Ardin willingly collaborated with the
Expressen in targeting our plucky Neo? Swedish bloggers note that she
consorted with many Americans while working at the Swedish embassy in Buenos
Aires. She has been deported from Cuba for suspicious activity. It is
said that she may be related to Lieutenant Colonel
Mattias Ardin, Deputy Head of Operations, Swedish Joint Forces Land
Component Command in Afghanistan.
Openly feminist and politically connected, she is well
equipped for the job of character assassination. She has written and published
on her blog a “revenge
instruction”, describing how to commit a complete character assassination to
legally destroy a person who “should be punished for what he did”. If the
offence was of a sexual nature, the revenge also must also be sex-related, she
wrote. Ardin was involved in Gender Studies in Uppsala University, the most
man-hating faculty in the world under the man-eating Professor Eva Lundgren,
where they encourage women to report what they think is harassment (any form of
flirt). She was in charge of gender equality in the Students’ Union, a junior
inquisitor of sorts.
In other words, she was perfect for the job. So was Sweden.
In order to frame Julian in Singapore, they would have to fit him up with drugs.
To frame Julian in England, they might have to report he had skinned and roasted
cats. To hang a frame on Julian in Sweden only required reporting sex between
consenting adults.
If the setup was so perfect, why did it fail? Overreach, as
always. When Anna Ardin maneuvered the younger girl into assisting her in her
revenge, she overreached herself. When the girl withdrew her report, Anna’s
“deceit equals rape” accusation failed. However, this is just conjecture, and
the true facts of the case lie deep in the vaults of the Expressen.
Hopefully it is all over, and our Neo will continue his
perilous runs for the benefit of all civilization. And the Swedes? Perhaps now
they will recognize that they went too far. “When the reporter from the
Washington Post realized that I was not joking, (said
a Swedish legal figure this week), that it does not need more than one woman's
word for the police to arrest a man and charge him with rape, he said: “But my
God, are you completely crazy? It's worse than Iraq of Saddam Hussein ...”