The Art of Cable Cooking
Israel Shamir
The latest chapter in the quest for open
government finds our embattled knight holed up within the grey
brick Georgian walls of Ellingham Hall while the dark forces
outside attempt a disorderly checkmate. The British courts have
long debated whether to pack Julian Assange off to the star
spangled torture chambers of
Guantanamo, but have finally settled on simply
extraditing him to the man-eating Nordic Amazons of Sweden,
pending appeal. Meanwhile the chessboard has become crowded with
ex-employees, ex-lovers, and ex-friends who compete among
themselves to cast mud upon his memory. The same newspapers he
enriched gleefully prepare his epitaph, for no good deed goes
unpunished. This is a very lonely time for our trusting hero, as
yesterday’s oaths are traded for cold cash, and intimate
confidences are betrayed.
Bill Keller of the New York Times has
labeled Julian “an eccentric former computer hacker of
Australian birth and no fixed residence”, who “was alert but
disheveled, like a bag lady walking in off the street, wearing a
dingy, light-colored sport coat and cargo pants, dirty white
shirt, beat-up sneakers and filthy white socks that collapsed
around his ankles. He smelled as if he hadn’t bathed in days.”
The squemish Keller must have been expecting the runaway man
with a case of secret documents to posess immaculately dressed,
rakish elegance of David Niven in
The Pink Panther. No doubt Keller was wishing his brush
with our hunted hero was instead a posh tête à tête at a fixed
abode, preferably just off Park Lane. And if Julian cannot
look the part 24 hours a day, then he should probably pass
the secret documents on to Mr. Keller who is doubtlessly better
equipped to handle them.
Keller’s main victim is our own innocent
belief in the objectivity and independence of the mainstream
Western media. Bill Keller confesses that before publishing, his
“colleagues were invited to a windowless room at the State
Department, where they encountered an unsmiling crowd.
Representatives from the White House, the State Department, the
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the C.I.A., the
Defense Intelligence Agency, the F.B.I. and the Pentagon
gathered around a conference table. Others, who never identified
themselves, lined the walls.” Keller reveals that US authorities
actually vetted the NY Times “news” release and that
corresponding orders were conveyed to the London outlet.
It was for this very reason that Julian
Assange refused to give the stuff to the NY Times in the
first place – because of their vetting procedure, and because of
their ability “to make pretty good lemonade out of the bitterest
lemons” in Keller’s words, to wit, to misinterpret data for
their own advantage. It may have been naïve of Julian to believe
that the Brits, in contrast, would play fair, but he could not
have counted on two hired guns as mean, ruthless, and
indiscriminate as any character lifted from the Threepenny
Opera: David Leigh and Luke Harding.
These two young
mercenaries separated themselves from the crowd by breaching
their non-disclosure agreements and delivering the cables that
were entrusted to them into the hands of the Americans. They
followed up this triumph by cranking out another dull exposé on
Wikileaks, which is now heavily promoted on the Guardian
website. The book has the tone of a Gollum reminiscing about the
hobbit he strangled in order to get hold of the Ring: I
deserve it. He just found it, and anyway he was just a stray
homeless tramp who had no idea what it was worth.
These two young orcs cooked up more than
hobbits. They are members of the Guardian gang that is
responsible for cooking up the Wikileaks cables so that they are
suitable for general consumption. But The Guardian adds
more than a pinch of salt to their unholy pottage: they add
misleading headlines (knowing that the majority of their readers
do not read beyond the headlines), they censor, redact, and
finally they frame the cables with the prose necessary to twist
them to The Guardian’s political agenda.
Luke Harding has made a career of cooking up
the news that trickles out of the post-Soviet sphere. His
background is Guardian typical: all it takes is a few
years’ writing in Moscow as a freelancer. But maybe ‘writing’ is
too strong a word for the copy-paste he practiced. This
is, anyway, the dominant view of the local expat community and
its main newspaper, the devilishly irreverent eXile. The
editors of eXile gave Harding the alias Hackburglar
for, as the eXile
wrote: “Harding seems to have a knack for publishing
articles whose content and lead paragraphs look suspiciously
similar, in the cloning sense of the word, to articles published
by Kevin O'Flynn of The Moscow Times. In fact,
Harding's articles are so
regularly similar to O'Flynn's that some of his colleagues
have begun accusing him of using a fake "Luke Harding" pen-name
in order to milk two checks for each article”.
His anti-Russian diatribes made him “the man
most likely to bring down powerful Russian politicians and cause
Moscow international embarrassment by regurgitating month-old
articles published in the German press, The eXile,
and The Moscow Times”
wrote the eXile.
But Harding would not rest on his laurels,
and even began pinching material from the eXile itself.
That turned out to be a mistake, since the eXile did not
take it lying down. They invoiced The Guardian five
hundred quid for the articles appropriated by Harding; The
Guardian admitted the guilt and paid. To top it off, he was
featured as “Plagiarist of the Year” along the Street of
Shame in
Private Eye. His defenders claim that Harding’s plagiarisms
were not, technically speaking, plagiarism as such: it is just
that “his
stuff sounds like everyone else's”!
Still, Harding understood the Blair era
better than his more gifted colleagues; England led the West in
anti-Russian feelings, and he was always ready to oblige. Thus,
he earned his reward: a promotion to be a real journalist in
London! His first task: make something useful out of the slew of
Russian and other post-Soviet cables provided by Wikileaks. Of
course, he did the only thing he knew how to do: he twisted them
into weapons in the information war against a too-independent
Russia. He invented the catchy headline “Russia a Virtual Mafia
State” and he prevented Guardian readers from learning
about the corrupt officials and British corporations fleecing
Russia and Central Asian states, as we
reported in Counterpunch.
Last week, The Russian Reporter weekly
revealed Harding’s shameless editing of the important secret
cable 10MOSCOW317. Harding did
publish this cable, but he completely redacted paragraph
number 7. Paragraph #7 discloses the criminal ties of the
ex-Mayor of Moscow’s spouse Mrs. Baturina: “Luzhkov's wife,
Yelena Baturina, definitely has links to the criminal world, and
particularly to the Solntsevo criminal group (widely regarded by
Russian law enforcement as one of the most powerful organized
crime groups in Russia)”.[1]
The Guardian and Wikileaks sites both display the cable
as cooked by Harding – sans reference to Mrs. Baturina.
Why is Harding protecting Mrs. Baturina? Is
this a state secret, or simply a personal favor? It turns out
that Mrs. Baturina, Russia’s richest woman, happens to looking
for real estate in London. I’m sure a billionaire can show her
appreciation in very material ways for keeping the British
people in the dark about something a US ambassador wrote. But
perhaps Harding was motivated by gallantry, or patriotic
economic interest; in any case, he clearly does not hold with
antiquated notions about journalistic integrity. He protects the
rich and well connected, and makes no bones about it.
He does it again in cable 08KYIV2414,
which chronicles a conversation between the Ukrainian
businessman Firtash and the US Ambassador. Harding deleted one
curious sentence: “he added that Tymoshenko hid her wealth in
property and investments in the UK”.
Perhaps he did it with an eye toward British
libel laws, the strictest in Europe? This explanation was
suggested by several kind readers of my
report in Counterpunch. Not likely. This
consideration might justify deletion on The Guardian
site, but in no way it would explain why Harding had to upload
his redacted version to the Wikileaks site as well – but he did.
Furthermore, Harding certainly shows no fear of libel when he
calls me a ‘renegade Jew’ and claims that I passed secret cables
to Lukashenko!
No, Harding cooks cables because that is what
he was hired to do. In cable 07MOSCOW1770 Harding
redacted away the name and occupation of the informant who
claimed that Hodorkovsky, the imprisoned oligarch, is innocent.
The edited cable leaves the reader with the impression that the
informant is an objective, impartial expert, and that Harding is
protecting him from retribution. If Harding had not removed the
name of the contact, the reader would have seen that the name of
the protected informant is actually that of Hodorkovsky’s
attorney, Yuri Schmidt!
In his presentation of cable 08MOSCOW2632,
Harding carefully blotted out passages in every line, and left
just enough words to, bereft of context, create the impression
that Putin has enriched himself. A casual reader might get the
idea that the redacted sections contain details that would
identify the cable’s Deep Throat, but reading the raw, un-cooked
cable reveals the truth of the matter. The title of the redacted
cable is “XXXX Transparency”, but the title of the original
QUEST FOR OIL SECTOR TRANSPARENCY” and it sings the praises of
Alexei Navalny, “a self-described political activist”, to wants
to sue “various companies regarding their business practices”.
Far from being a hunted man whose identity must be protected,
Mr. Navalny is the Russian equivalent of Ralf Nader and he is
above all things hungry for publicity; his court cases are well
covered by the Russian media and are supported by many Russian
Harding was also assigned the task of cooking
the Belarus cables, because Lukashenko has not yet sold off the
country’s heirlooms to the rapacious West. On the eve of the
Belarus elections, the Guardian published cable 06MINSK641.
Harding redacted everything from this long cable, leaving
only the summary, which just happened to accuse Lukashenko of
stealing nine billion dollars of the country’s cash.
Having blotted out the second paragraph,
Harding robbed The Guardian’s readership of a great laugh
out loud moment. Here is the second paragraph, so carefully
redacted by journalist Luke Harding: “2. (C) The Czech
Embassy recently passed to Econoff a list purporting to show
Belarus' top 50 oligarchs and their net worth. The Czechs found
this list published recently in a Smolensk, Russia newspaper.
The list does not name the paper, but does provide an email
address, Post has learned the Belarusian
opposition United Civic Party is most likely the group that
compiled this information. At least one independent Belarusian
newspaper is reported to have printed an earlier draft of this
information, but oddly the GOB never attacked the paper for
printing this information, nor did any of the people named ever
publicly deny this information.”
In other words, this “list” was made up out
of thin air by a small opposition group and published in a small
town newspaper with an unknown name found in a neighbouring
Russian region. It is like headlining a list of Obama’s misdeeds
purportedly found in a Tijuana newspaper (of unknown name), but
very probably delivered by a Tea Party faction. Such a reliable
source! No wonder Harding blacked it out! On any day this would
be considered a dirty bit of business, but on the eve of an
election it must be considered an attempt to influence the vote.
The Guardian
did not publish cable
05VILNIUS732, no doubt because it disclosed that
thousands of dollars in cash were delivered to the Belarus
opposition by American agencies. The Guardian also chose
not to publish cable 05MINSK1316 in which the
opposition leader walks into the US embassy, hat in hand, and
begs for money: “Milinkevich admitted his campaign was
desperate for financial support. In fact, he apologized to
Ambassador that the urgent need for resources was the main
reason for his visit.” The Guardian also would not
publish cable 06MINSK1234, perhaps because it contains
the following description: “Lukashenko is the ideal
anti-globalist leader -- he is young (51 years old), energetic,
bold, and he sits at the helm of a growing, stable (for now)
economy in the heart of Europe.”
The Guardian
also cooked cables to give their readers false impressions of
Iran. The cable 09BAKU695 contains the lengthy debriefing
of a young Iranian dissident. He is certainly an enemy of the
Ayatollas, and this opinion was published in its entirety. But
when the dissident’s remarks began to tread upon the Iranian
opposition, The Guardian pulled out the garden shears
again. The newspaper cut out the unflattering descriptions of
the anti-Ahmadinejad opposition: “He described that the
opposition as a coalition of many different groups, lacking
organization and facing problems of ultimate direction and
leadership. He characterized Mousavi as stubborn, but not
charismatic; Karroubi as courageous, but with few institutional
allies; and Khatami as cautious and weak. He depicted
Rafsanjani's role as short-term and tactical, arguing that he
lacks sufficient popular legitimacy for long term leadership.”
Perhaps this too was cut away for fear of libel?
In cable 09BAKU687, a contact explains
why the Turkish-speaking Azeris of Iran were unconvinced by
opposition claims. Here is the part that Guardian readers
were not allowed to see: The contact “…explained that "no matter
who wins, (Tabrizis) feel that there will be no change" in
language, cultural, and government hiring policies that
discriminate against Azeris. While acknowledging that both
Moussavi and Karroubi had made campaign statements endorsing
liberalization of language policies, he said that these
statements were perceived as lip service, and that "(de facto)
Tehrani" Moussavi in particular was not regarded as credible on
this issue, given his earlier attitudes on the issue when he was
Prime Minister.” The Guardian readers are apparently not
entitled to learn anything negative about the Iranian
Comparing redacted cables to the originals,
it becomes clear that The Guardian is covering up for BP.
In 07BAKU1268, The Guardian removed an assessment
that “it was BP who was acting illegally”. In 08BAKU671,
another anti-BP sentence was removed: “It is worth noting that
within the AIOC Consortium there is a perception that operator
BP grossly mishandled the rate of return issue, costing the
Consortium billions of dollars over the life of the PSA and
significantly emboldening SOCAR in its relationship with the
Consortium.” Guardian readers will never learn that
Azerbaijanis are angry because BP was colluding with GazProm and
the Russians to undermine Azerbaijan's interests. In cable
07ASTANA919, The Guardian removed incriminating
material showing that Western companies give bribes: “The
internal investigation revealed that from 1998 to 2003, former
employees caused the company to pay $5.2 million to agents with
the intent that these payments would influence Kazakhstani
officials to allow the company to obtain business.”
These are just a few of the hundreds of
cables cooked up by Harding and Leigh. This is the reason they
must destroy Julian: he has seen the originals and he can reveal
their lies. In a recent interview, Julian said: “Our agreement
with The Guardian was that they would redact information
for ‘Cablegate’, based on just one criteria, which was the
protection of individuals from unfair incarceration, or any type
of execution ... and for no other reasons. The Guardian
has been redacting all sorts of things ... for very different
reasons. For instance, The Guardian has been redacting
claims about particular companies who are corrupt.”
Indeed, the well-connected lawyer Schmidt,
the billionaire Baturina and the public activist Navalny were
never endangered by their comments to the US ambassador. In
fact, the only ones in the dark about the contents of the cables
are The Guardian’s readers. There was never any
compelling reason to remove the name of Israeli ambassador from
cable 09BAKU20, or the names of American ambassadors.
The Guardian very obviously broke its pledge, and we can
prove it. For making their perfidy clear, they attack me as
well; but if their main argument is that I am a renegade Jew,
their case is weak.
When The Guardian was through with
Harding, they tried to ship him back to Moscow; but Harding is
finished with that copy-and-paste hell he so recently escaped.
He is a newsmaker now; he creates the news instead of simply
copying it. He succeeding in catching the next flight back to
London with a simple ruse: he fouled up the paperwork. Guardian
editors came to his rescue with a series of articles claiming
that a Russian intelligence agent told him, “For you Russia is
closed” but it may have been too little, too late. When
Harding’s co-correspondents in Moscow heard that he had been
deported, they began to publicly speculate as to why. The
resulting rumpus was far more damaging to Harding’s reputation
than his own actions ever were.
Some of his colleagues surmised that his
connections with the intelligence community became too obvious
to ignore. Julia Latynina, a syndicated columnist for the anti-Putin
papers, voiced her opinion that the reason Harding was deported
was because of his expressed sympathy for a suicide bomber who
killed herself and forty innocent people in the Moscow
underground. Harding had the temerity to suggest that the
terrorist was doped and delivered to the underground by Putin’s
people, if not by Putin himself. Even for her, an avowed enemy
of the government, this was too much.
Harding’s penchant for plagiarism was also
by The Guardian as a possible explanation for the
deportation. “Harding may have further irritated the Russians
because other newspapers covering the WikiLeaks diplomatic
cables opted to farm out the reporting of their contents
relating to the country to correspondents based outside the
country. He believed it was appropriate to put his name on the
Russian WikiLeaks coverage because the authorities would have
believed it was he who wrote the material anyway.” It is amusing
to watch a man trip himself up with his own cleverness.
In our next issue of the Assange saga: the
whole truth of the sexual scandal in Sweden as it appeared in
leaked police reports, and what David Leigh did with it.
Edited by Paul Bennett
[1] Here is the
paragraph 7 creatively removed by the crafty Luke
Luzhkov's Links to Criminal
7. (S) Sergei Kanev, an investigative
crime reporter at the liberal newspaper Novaya Gazeta,
told us that Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina, definitely
has links to the criminal world, and particularly to the
Solntsevo criminal group (widely regarded by Russian law
enforcement as one of the most powerful organized crime
groups in Russia). According to the Internet article,
"On the Moscow Group," Vladimir Yevtushenko, the head of
the company Sistema, is married to Natalya Yevtushenko,
Baturina's sister. Sistema was created with Moscow city
government-owned shares, and Sistema initially focused
on privatizing the capital's real estate and gas.
Sistema's president, Yevgeny Novitsky, controlled the
Solntsevo criminal gang. Today, Sistema has spun off
into various companies, which implement projects that
typically include 50 percent funding from the Moscow
city government.