Saddam Bound
By Israel Shamir |
Turn on the TV, - my wife, alerted by a phone call, yelled
from the kitchen. On the screen was George W. Bush's mug
photo with a caption reading 'Bush - the former dictator is
arrested'. I can't deny it was a moment of great elation.
Indeed, Mr Bush deserved to be arrested and tried - for his
invasion of sovereign Iraq and Afghanistan, for the
thousands of dead and tortured men and women wherever he
took his War on Islam, for his support of ENRON, and for his
doubtful role in September 11.

How the Passion
of the Christ may help bring Peace to the Middle East
La pierre d’achoppement
Mel Gibson and
his The Passion of Christ
may well have advanced the cause of justice and peace in
Palestine more than we could possibly dream of. Incidentally, he
succeeded in undermining the most dangerous heresy in the long
history of Christianity: the right-wing Evangelicals’
infatuation with Jews and Zionism. Now it is the time to
recognise this victory and enjoy its fruits.
The Jewish
establishment and its willing subjects carried out a perilous
policy of encouraging the Clash of Civilisations, embodied in
ideological and US military warfare against the Third World.
My book, The Green Rain of Yasuf or Masters of Discourse (called The Flowers of Galilee in English and The Other Face of Israel in French) was launched now in Spain, and at its presentation in Madrid I gave the following talk:

Ukraine on the brink
For the people of Ukraine, the future is gloomy. The pro-American claimant for Presidency Victor Yushchenko is a devotee of neo-liberal economics; a supporter of full privatisation and forced sale of Ukrainian assets to US companies for their soon-to-be-worthless dollars. In the part of Ukraine he will succeed in keeping (if any), a new American colony will be established, where US troops will threaten Moscow and control the profitable oil route. MORE
Dry Thy Tears
The re-election of President Bush is a sad event; the failure of Kerry is not. Before the election, we called upon our American readers to vote for a Third Candidate. Some readers agreed and voted - for Nader or Greens or whomever their consciences were happy with. Today they have nothing to regret. Others objected, often vehemently, and proclaimed the main advantage of Kerry, namely: he is not George W Bush. Now those of you who did so are upset, and along with you many Europeans; they still regret the defeat of John Kerry.. MORE
1929 - 2004 |
Death of a Martyr |
The great leader of Palestine, Yasser Arafat, is dead. This unique man, whose withered body was interned on the Eve of Eid el Fitr in a coffin with the holy soil of Jerusalem in the midst of his ruined fortress, was a symbol of struggle for Palestinian dignity. He will be forever remembered as a young warrior who broke the teeth of Jewish arrogance in the battle of Karameh, in 1968 MORE
Maidens and Warriors
Bloodcurdling Libel (a Summer Story)
Take your kids to the movie
Discussion of Anti-Semitism
Christmas Greetings to Hellenes