Shamireaders Selected
The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax
By James Petras
The only group, which
consistently favored Mousavi, was the university students and graduates,
business owners and the upper middle class; a highly privileged, vocal and
largely English speaking group with a monopoly on the Western media. While they
may be articulate, well dressed and fluent in English, they were soundly
out-voted in the secrecy of the ballot box.

Gaza is our
By Joseph E Fasciani
is long past time for the world to acknowledge that the destruction of Gaza is
the Guernica of our time. All our moral compasses will be set from this point,
as to our attitude in this true holocaust. Not one of us is exempt; all will be
weighed in the balance of our beliefs and actions.

Cover-up in
Mumbai - Indian View:
By Sandhya Jain
Our Indian friend Sandhya Jain alleges cover-up and questions key-points of the
official story: "Contemporary jihad is a mercenary tool of Western
colonialism, serving a colonial intent with devout slavishness"

Shock Therapy Comes to America
Unpartitioning the Problem
By Joachim Martillo
The crises of
Palestine, Iran, Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan, and international finance are all
interconnected by Zionism.
It’s the System, Stupid
By Frank Scott
We are not simply
dealing with a part of an economy going wrong, but with an entire system that is
in process of falling apart.

Read in Bulgarian
Причината е в системата, глупчо!
Taxpayers Forced To Bailout Zionist
Gangsters The Financial Crisis On Wall Street & The
Gang of Zionists Behind 9-11
By Christopher Bollyn 9-21-8
Masters of
Defeat: Retreating Empire and Bellicose Bluster
By James Petras
They do not always win. Actually they are frequently defeated, and we should be
reminded of that more often. James Petras lists the defeats of the US
imperialism and of its Zionist leading force:

Read in Portuguese:
Os Mestres da
How the
Zionists subvert the American Antiwar Movement
By Ken Freeland
Open Letter to
Michael Jones and Israel Adam Shamir
By Marek Glogoczowski
The Poisoning of the Earth by Ahriman’s Inspired Fairy Tales of Redemption and
Natural Selection
A commentary to A. McCarthy versus Ch. Hitchens polemics on “Greatness of God”

Response to Marek Glogoczowski's Open Letter
By Ken Freeland
Response to Professor Marek Glogoczowski
By Anthony S. McCarthy
responses to Marek Glogoczowski
From Paul Bennett et al
Primordial Sin" of Ethical Knowledge as the Necessary Condition for betterment
of the human race
By Marek Glogoczowski
Armed Consumerism Rejected
by J C Kapur
With its nuclear
armoury and modest affluence, Indians attract more attention in the West than
they did in the days of poverty, hunger and weakness. Now we pay attention to
Indian political thinkers, not only to guru. I had an honour to meet few of
like-minded people in India, and one of them is J C Kapur, the chief editor of
the World Affairs magazine. JC Kapur wants his India to be a friend to China and
Russia. He seeks “free spiritualised socialism”. He is strictly anti-Cartesian,
like so many good people among our friends. Now we present a short talk given by
JC Kapur in the “Russian Athens,” the city of St Petersburg.

Meeting with Che Guevara
by K Gajendra Singh
This is an 80th
anniversary of Che Guevara’s birth, June, 14, and time to bring all sorts of
memories. Here is a short memoire by our Indian friend, Ambassador Gajendra
Singh, whom I had a pleasure of meeting recently in Delhi. He writes about his
meeting with Che in revolutionary Algiers. Incidentally, I’ve met recently in
Havana with the sole survivor of this famous trip – Che and a few other
revolutionaries had spent a few months overseas, being hosted by Gamal Abdel
Nasser, Nehru and others. Early sixties were great times, and there was hope
that mankind will go in great harmony to great happiness, all the way until the
defeat and betrayal of the 1968 Revolution. Instead, we began the downslide to
dismantling of socialism, to privatisation, globalisation, war on Islam, Neocon
rise to the present calamities. However, now the illusions of 80s and 90s are
over; the enemy manifested himself, and he will surely be defeated! Ambassador
Singh is also a survival of 1960s, like the two other Indian pundits whose texts
we publish these days. They remind us of Nehru’s India, and its friendship with
China and Russia, Egypt and Yugoslavia. Singh’s references to Bollywood add some
charm to this short piece.

Indo-US Nuclear deal: Road to serfdom
Our good Indian
friend Sandhya Jain and his site carry out uphill struggle for Indian nuclear independence
against the US attempts to cage India in. Somehow, only Israel and the US are
supposed to have nuclear weapons, all the rest should be disarmed – according to
the Torah from Capitol Hill. Here we offer you three articles from Sandhya’s
site, explaining the nuclear deal, how it is connected to the recent US debacle
in Georgia and why it is important to keep India free from American
interference. The most interesting is the third, describing the problems of
India's Left in nuclear issue, but the first two had to be read in order to
understand the third.

and War: From Iraq to Iran
By James Petras
The Signs of
Resistance to Jewish Supremacism
By Bob Finch
War of civilizations
or Western Terrorism?
By Dr Oscar Abudara Bini
History that “we are going to write” – or history that “is being written”

Read in Arabic:
Umlčená Kleió
is the Key to a New Plot against Iran
By Jose Petrosino and Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini
preparation of their assault on Iran, the US accuse Iran for bombing the Israel
Embassy and Israel Friendship Society (AMIA) in Buenos Aires, the Argentine.
Jose Petrosino and Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini investigated the cover-up
and point-out the real perpetrators, and they are not in Teheran.

Read in French:
L’Argentine : le pays
clé dans le cadre d’un nouveau complot contre l’Iran Par José
Petrosino et Oscar Abudara Bini
There’s something
“Stinky” in Cuba
By Mary Rizzo
Read in Spanish:
Rafi Eitan, veterano
del Mossad, terrateniente en Cuba
Nadine eats
Pizza in Ramallah
By Sam Bahour
A Visit in
Prison with Ernst Zuendel
By Prof Daniel McGowan
The Hypocrisy of an
Anti-Racist Marxist? by David Montoute
Our friend David Montoute is dealing with a
core question of Leftists' submission to the Judaic narrative, and he takes us
to previously uncharted waters. Marx was a man of his times, and a European
first of all. He was a forsworn enemy of Slavs and Latins, and Fidel Castro and
Vladimir Lenin would in vain look for his approval. Anton Baumgarten in his very
important but available only in Russian essay dealt
with it at length. Indeed, I do have sympathy to Bakunin and Proudhon as to
authentic Left, and their traditions should not be forgotten.
9/11: Beyond the Seal
of Approval by David Montoute
David Montoute lifts the lid on the
heretofore-suppressed world of Deep Politics, the constant, everyday interaction
between the constitutionally elected government and forces of violence and crime
- from the revolving door between Wall Street’s financial institutions and US
intelligence agencies, to state sponsorship of private armies and death squads;
to secret societies such as Skull & Bones and P2, to election rigging and the
private looting of national treasuries, to government-protected drug trafficking
networks recycling cash into the global banking system, this is the dark
underbelly of our modern ‘rational’ world.
The Strategy of
Disintegration: False flags, dirty tricks and the dismemberment of Iraq
by David Montoute
the Lobby in Manhattan
Here are a collection of articles about ground-breaking discussion of Jewish
Lobby in New York. You’d find their conclusions expected and even timid; but do
not forget: In the US and the West it is punishable by law to doubt inherent
beneficence of Jewish rule, or even to admit its presence. Thus these reports
can be compared to first breeze of glasnost in Gorbachev’s days in 1985 when the
first objections to communist rule in Moscow were voiced. Exciting read, anyway:

Israela Shamíra: „Izrael je jediným černým bodem na mapě světa, posledním
útočištěm rasismu a apartheidu
By Dr. Nidal Saleh
A propos d'un texte de Vincent Despres
A Zionist
War by Kristoffer Larsson
The US War in Iraq is not a White man's war.
Nor is it the oil companies' war. No, this is a Zionist war, - writes Kristoffer
Larsson, a 22-year old Theology student and a writer for a Swedish Leftist
newspaper in a brilliant and penetrating article .

Read Zionist War in Hungarian
Cionista háború
Technology And The Coming Global Totalitarianism by
Richard B. Wilcox
Bacon's 16th century masculine science fed into the social and political
sciences which sought justification for the tendency of humans to colonize lands
and peoples. Writing about events in the Middle East, the journalist and
historian Shamir (2005) illustrates this in his essay Sumud and Flux For Shamir,
when multi-culturalism is used in its politically correct usage it is a code for
Western cultural and political hegemony, which results in homogenization and
ultimate destruction. Just as sustainable forms of technology should not empower
any group or individual over one another, or over-burden the Earth's ecology,
true multi-culturalism re-valorizes the cultural and biological diversity that
was destroyed by colonialism and imperialism, and respects and reaffirms the
autonomy and sovereignty of diversepeoples.

In My
Father's Garden by Wafa Abu-Shamais
It was exactly one o'clock, an hour after
midnight. My husband and I had been watching a movie on TV. As soon as the movie
finished, I went to bed. My husband said that he wanted to catch the news
headlines, which he told me would not take more than five minutes, and he
promised he would come to bed immediately after. I got into bed and as soon as I
placed my head on the pillow, my dream began. It was the longest dream I've ever
had although it lasted only five minutes.

Sunic is a marvelously sensitive wordsmith
and the fact that she is a multilingual poetess renders
her poetic accomplishments even more impressive. One can
only hope that more of her poems will follow the
publication of this work.” (Dr
Paul E. Gottfried)
has the uncanny ability to commit to paper the triumphs
and tragedies of the natural world with its wonderfully
emotive imagery of love, nostalgia and rebirth."
(author, 'Tradition & Revolution')
avec grand plaisir que je recommande cet ouvrage
remarquable de Xenia Sunic, une poetesse croate dont le
talent creatif et surtout le gout pour les mots ranges
d'une maniere ravissante s'imposent. Il est a esperer
que davantage de vers d'une telle richesse imagiste s'ecoulent
encore de cette plume inspiree"..
(Dr Paul E.
Xenia Sunic, whose first name in Classical Greek means
"foreign lady," is a foreign spirit indeed to this most
shallow age of Western decline. Her poetry is deep, it
is mystical, it is achingly aesthetic -- and like all
great art requires the reader to co-work, to
participate, to ascend to an image-realm, to vault to a
rarified, stark, new-old, sun-shadow world. (John
de Nugent)
"In the nature poetry of Xenia Sunic there is an element
of rapture and an aura of mystery in the poet's
exquisite responsiveness to and almost mystical
expression of the change of seasons and a
profound delight in the sheer loveliness of nature
in its more solemn as well as in its more ecstatic
moments." (Joseph
For me, Xenia’s
poetic muse reminds
constantly of just what the expansive heart’s creative
beauty is capable of and what one day may be possible
for all of us.(
Mervyn Soskolne) |
By Paul Wexler
What Yiddish teachs us about the role of the Khazars in the Ashkenazic ethnogenesis.
A great black laugh at paedophilia By Maria Poumier (co-edited by Michel Mirin)
The real Holocaust is that of Blacks By Maria Poumier
Argentine is the Key to a New Plot against Iran Jose Petrosino and Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini
The Ziocon Zugswang Zeitgeist An essay by our friend Ingmar Lee, who was rewarded by being banned by his blog provider. Well, we work and publish beyond bans...
Tom Mysiewicz’s Middle East Bibliography Essays
of Tom Mysiewicz
The Schoemann case: Shamir readers and mildest antizionists altogether targeted in France
By Maria Poumier, translated from spanish by Roberto Finat
Shamireaders Mail: last contributions
Russia Watching:
Secret Meeting With Putin * *By Mike Whitney
Censored Press Conference: The transcript you weren't supposed to see.
Two interesting
readings of the Lobster Summit, by our friends Tom Mysiewicz and by Eric
Cold War Lite,
by Eric Walberg
A new interesting article by our friend Eric Walberg promises us "a new, leaner,
meaner Russia picking up the Soviet torch". Is it so? Well, up to a point.
Gaza crisis:
Alastair Crooke
on Gaza
A measured and powerful commentary on the Gaza events and Palestine developments
Gaza Collection
Contras of
Falk on
Eric Walberg on
bucking the tide Europes lone populist muddies the Eurowaters, says Eric Walberg
Ilan Pappe for One State
Easter Omnibus: your responses and news.
Godless, by Israel Shamir
Shamir replies to atheists who accuse him of tolerating far right
Mom Would Have Spanked Bush's Butt by Ali Baghdadi.
Only fools could make up the amazing confession tale of Khaled Sheik
Mohammed. Only fools would also believe this hilarious story. As a little
kid, I lied to my mom and got caught. My mom was “mean”: she ordered me to
take off my pants, and spanked my butt.
(More on amazing confession of Khaled Sheik Mohammed on Опасный Полет
Where from comes this permanent American military over-agitation, which has
lead to more than two hundred wars during hardly more than two hundred years
of US history? Why doesn't the democratic population of this “land under
God” see the evil their country spreads worldwide? The French writer Henri
de Motherlant accused Americans of even worse crime, namely of a purposeful
promotion of ordinary human ignorance.
A very hegelian antifascist declaration
The German College, an organisation formed by Horst Mahler,
ex-Baader-Meinhof, ex-far left, then far-right, with 10 years of jail behind
him and now again in jail, published an "Anti-Fascist Declaration". Next to
it, you'd expect Marx running an "Anti-Communist Manifesto". But if you read
it carefully, you'll encounter some interesting very Hegelian ideas.
Buddhist view on fascism and zionism
It is said that "wisdom is born within," and Aldous Huxley referred to its
age-old expression as "the perennial philosophy." Here is an attempt to put
our mutual concerns in that context, says Roger Tucker, a man formed by the
failed revolution of 1968 (like many of our readers/writers including myself
were). Roger lives in the South and runs a site for One State in Palestine;
where this text is presented in full on
Holocaust pro and contra
Devoted to freedom of views, we offer you two opposing views, both by very
good persons, on the Holocaust: by Prof Daniel McGowan of Deir Yassin
Remembered and by Azmi Bishara, Member of Knesset. Both texts are
interesting and challenging, despite being in perfect disagreement. Bishara
tries to fit the Palestinian discourse into the philo-Judaic vision of
modernity and presents Muslims as big brothers of Jews, and thus deserving
Jewish support. The Muslims would rather recognize Holocaust than the Jewish
state, he implies. Prof McGowan says that H narrative is inherently
anti-Muslim, and can’t be adapted for Muslim needs.
by Maria Poumier
Nazi-jewish H was just a civil war between European
brothers. There is one real H: the one against millions of Africans,
considered non-human by all the whites together, during many and many
centuries: it is the real unique H, treating people as cattle.
Eighth Anniversary of the Dog and Tail War
Eight years ago the NATO
forces began their bombing of Yugoslavia, completing liquidation of this
country and subjugating its successor-states to the American rule. This war
was a predecessor of the US attack on Iraq, and in view of grave
developments re Iran should be reconsidered.
Secrets and lies
She did not deserve to die in Auschwitz, this damned antisemite! "Claims
that the Jewish novelist Irene Nemirovsky, who died in Auschwitz, might have
been anti-semitic threaten to stain her reputation", writes Stuart Jeffries
in the Guardian. Irene Nemirovsky, a French pre-war writer, a contemporary (and
more) of Simone Weil, decided to opt out of Jewry, was received in the
Church, but the Guardian reviewer still insists she was Jewish.
Come Carpentier noted: "The peculiar predicament that Jews live in but which
is largely of their own making is that they are constantly suspected by
their coreligionaries (or compatriots) of being "self hating" if they
display any critical attitude towards their own community or don't feel
attracted to it. Thus,Irene Nemirowsky stands accused of being either
pathologically anti-semitic or of being a cowardly traitor and a
cheerleader for the anti-Jewish Nazis, which could then be used to justify
charges that, "like many Jews" she was a self-serving sycophant of her
people's enemies. Obviously, the only ones who
can win by those rules are the self-promoting, self-pitying, self-styled
fake martyrs such as Elie Wiesel.
However this problem would not even arise if Jews could take it upon
themselves to be more casual about their heritage and their real or assumed
identity...Most people in the world (especially outside Europe and the
Americas) don't particularly care about Jewishness and Judaism. By their
self-absorption and egotistical obsessions, Jews do indeed create most of
the problem because they seem to want to force eveyone else to look at them
all the time. Naturally when one of them is found guilty of serious
wrongdoing, their collective reputation takes a hit. Yet their overwhelming
influence is now used to browbeat everyone into expressing only admiration
and unalloyed sympathy for anyone or anything Jewish...That can only
generate a climate of fawning hypocrisy and hidden resentment
”Anti-semitism” as a political weapon
Our friend Lasse Wilhelmson from Stockholm, Sweden tells of fear of mentioning ‘Jewish settlements’ in the left. He comes to a powerful conclusion: Zionism, through its Jewish organisations, is the dominant interpretation of Judaism today.

Is Zionism the ideology of The New World Order?
Lasse Wilhelmson
from Sweden had spent a few years in Israeli kibbutz before
becoming disenchanted with Zionism. He doesn’t set off good
Socialist Zionism (of Ben Gurion, Rabin, Barak) vs. bad
Revisionist Zionism of Jabotinsky, Begin and Sharon. Lasse
asserts that Socialist Zionism is but Jewish National
Socialism, and finds a common root of Jewish and German
National Socialism in teachings of ‘the Red Rabbi’ Moses
Hess, who allegedly influenced Marx, Herzl and Hitler.

Rights & Roots By Maria Poumier About Universal Human Rights, conciliated with duties bound to roots
(after reading Israel Shamir, Joh Domingo, Jonathan Cook and Norman Finkelstein)
Nadine eats Pizza in Ramallah
By Sam Bahour
A Visit in Prison with Ernst Zuendel
By Prof Daniel McGowan
 The Biography of Theodosius (Atallah) Hanna, Archbishop of Sebaste
Two Articles by Jacqueline Amidi:
Liban, le fief de la Vierge
Liban-Israël, l’heure de la vérité?
9/11: Beyond the Seal of Approval by David Montoute
David Montoute lifts the lid on the heretofore-suppressed world of Deep Politics, the constant, everyday interaction between the constitutionally elected government and forces of violence and crime - from the revolving door between Wall Street’s financial institutions and US intelligence agencies, to state sponsorship of private armies and death squads; to secret societies such as Skull & Bones and P2, to election rigging and the private looting of national treasuries, to government-protected drug trafficking networks recycling cash into the global banking system, this is the dark underbelly of our modern ‘rational’ world.
Military Resistance and Arab and Muslim Liberation By Caise D. Hassan
Fourteen Erroneous Theses by James Petras
After the paper by Walt and Mearsheimer on Israel Lobby in the US was published, and duly attacked by the Lobby, Noam Chomsky surprisingly joined the critics of the document in a piece called The Israel Lobby?
On the Eve by Ian Buckley
But I would say this to Muslim and Arab world : Bush and Blair hate your freedom. They hate your freedom from social atomisation. They hate your freedom from large-scale commercial chicanery. They hate your freedom from usury
The Ascendancy of Finance Capital: Record Profits and Rising Authoritarianism by James Petras
Pro-Israeli bias in Italy is not an exaggeration, it is a program by Mary Rizzo
Double bill: Mary Rizzo on pro-Israeli bias in Italy and Maria Poumier's rejoinder
The Moral Responsibility of the U.S. Military Officer in the Context of the Larger War We Are In by Robert Hickson
The Open Society and its Enemies - The Story of Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon
Auschwitz is there to maintain the myth of open society; it is there to present an illusion of liberated Western identity. As long as Auschwitz is there, in the core of our discourse, we are everything but liberated. There is life after Auschwitz and this life belongs to us. We had better do something with it. If there is something we should never do, then that is taking other people’s lives in the name of Auschwitz.
New Essays of Bob Finch
The Signs of Resistance to Jewish Supremacism by Bob Finch
Iran - the Pivot of Geopolitics by Bob Finch
Nasrullah versus bin Laden by Bob Finch
President Bush, Israel and its lobby claim that Hezbollah is the same as al Qaeda. Our friend Bob Finch explores the profound differences between Osama bin Laden and Hasan Nasrullah, leader of Hezbollah and comes to an opposite conclusion: Hezbollah’s tactics and strategy are just about as different from those promoted by Osama bin Laden as it is possible to get. Finch’s essay is of extreme importance for Hezbollah unites Muslims and Christians, and heals the Sunni-Shi’a strife, strife encouraged by Zionists and nourished by al Qaeda. This also explains why just now the British MI5 ‘discovered’ The Heathrow Gunpowder Plot.

America Vanquished by Bob Finch
Bob Finch goes for jugular, for the absolutely forbidden question of Jewish power from our non-racist position. While good people bewail the multibillion subsidies provided by America to the Jewish state, Bob Finch states unashamedly: “But these are not subsidies. They are tribute payments that the vanquished pay to their conquerors.”

What's In a Name Bob Finch, a friend of earth, a man who knows the value of words, once an ardent follower of Hannah Arendt, deals with a question of a name we may use for the Jewish State in Palestine.

Read in Hungarian:
Ami egy névben van
Read in Italian:
Cosa c’è in un nome?
Jewish Lobby pushes for war against Iran
Hasbara: Blame it on the Wasps by Bob Finch
A Review of Stephen Zunes ‘The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it Really?’
According to Zunes, American Jews are mere supplicants to the court of the Wasp emperors and Israel is no different from any other American colony such as Honduras.
Philo-Semitic Attacks On The Rise by Joh Domingo
More people died from philo-Semitic attacks in
Palestine and Iraq, than died in the massive
tsunami that engulfed Asia at the end of that
Down with Human Rights by Joh Domingo
It behoves us to deconstruct the edifice of the
Human Rights Industry and examine what oozes out.  |
Iraqi Puppet Show by Joh Domingo
George Bush for Nobel Peace Prize!
WATCHDOG NATION by Cletus Nelson
Hating Those Who Hate - all the tricks of anti-hate bodies.
Silvia Cattori Palestine. L’ampleur de la tragedie exige un soutien sans faille
Pourquoi Israel Shamir est-il calomnie avec une telle perseverance ? Et, par assimilation, tous ceux qui le lisent ou l’evoquent ? Parce que cet ecrivain israelien de talent - connaisseur aussi bien du Talmud et de la Bible que des turpitudes de l’armee israelienne - a ose briser des tabous et enfoncer des portes que des non juifs ne se seraient jamais hasardes a toucher. Vous l’avez compris ! Israel Shamir a une vision qui va a l’oppose de ces personnes qui dans la mouvance de la solidarite - en Israel et en France notamment - s’arrogent le monopole et le controle de ce qui doit et peut etre dit. PLUS
A strong and clear new voice, Joh Domingo, an
African friend of Palestine with a long experience of anti-Apartheid
struggle in South Africa, says: "The important thing to remember
about White Nationalists (a.k.a. Supremacists) is that they are
isolationist, not international Cabalists that want to rule the
world. The White Supremacists are an improvement on the average
American Joe who goes along with the slaughter in Iraq and
Palestine. Let's first stop the theft, and dispossession, and
slaughter of Palestinians, then we can "re-educate" White
Our honorable
guest is Prof Williams, a wonderful and unusual man, who
believes - in the tradition of the Eastern Church - in a
great communality of Islam and Christianity. A
weather-bitten pilgrim on the roads of the East, fluent in
Arabic, this professor from Virginia belongs to the great
spiritual brotherhood of good men. He considers that good
Christians are Muslims, and vice versa. He touches the
common ground; not the common ground of Mammon, not the
common ground of platitude, but the common ground of
tradition in Guenon's deep meaning. His short piece
Misunderstanding Islam argues succinctly against the
Zionist- inspired 'Clash of Civilizations' theory.

The silencing of dissent
By Paul
Eisen, a director of Deir Yassin Remembered, is one of the
staunchest friends of Palestine in England. The article
below provides you with a wonderful definition of
"If you do not agree with the right of Jews to go to
Palestine, settle there en masse against the wishes of the
indigenous population, expel this population from 75% of
their land and then, for the next fifty years and more,
continue this assault on the remaining land and population,
then you are an anti-Semite."
Jewish Power
By Paul
The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do.
Read in French: Pouvoir juif
What is Antisemitism?
By Michael Neumann
Every once in a while, some left-wing Jewish writer will take a deep breath, open up his (or her) great big heart, and tell us that criticism of Israel or Zionism is not antisemitism. Silently they congratulate themselves on their courage. With a little sigh, they suppress any twinge of concern that maybe the goyim--let alone the Arabs--can't be trusted with this dangerous knowledge.

Photo by
James R. Depp |
In Jerusalem
Edward Said and the struggle for Palestine
By Siam |
In a rare guest appearance, now on this site a new
poem by
arguably the best living American poet, commemorating Edward Said
and the struggle for Palestine. SIAM combines deep Sufi mysticism of Rumi, and all-American cosmic spirit of Walt Whitman. His poetry is
a natural phenomenon as much as a work of art, and reminds of a
vulcano in full blast of its furnaces, with lava erupting and rocks
flying out: spectacular but scary. |
In presence of his poetry, one
feels that the gift of prophecy is still with us, for his is the
language of prophets. Descendent of Native Americans, Africans,
Arabs and Europeans, all-human son of Milton "Cowboy" Smith from
Indianapolis, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School, SIAM lived with
the monks of St Maur until he discovered the mystic teaching of a
Senegalese saint Shaikh Ahmadou Bamba who founded the Mourid
Mystical Order of Islam in the early 1800's. His poetry is a sign of
life sent by the soul of America to the world, saying: America is
still alive.
A Poem For Adam Shamir, Son of Israel By Siam
A Poem Called Nasrallah’s Hezbullah
A tributary war song in honor of Sayyid Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and all the Hezbullah Mujahideen By Siam
Fiesta Responses
Noam Chomsky's thesis "The US support of Israel is
in the best imperial interests of the US elites"
was savaged in Shamir's article Fiesta of San
Fermin (included in the Galilee Flowers). Here you
can read various responses and discussion on the
'Dog and Tail' subject.
Witch Hunt
The following is a volume of the polemics on Shamir, anti-Semitism, and policies of the Jewish supporters of Palestine.
Coy Foxman
By Joh Domingo
Zionist Provocation under False Flag By George Pumphrey
La nuit du 4 aôut, en attendant celle du 15 août by Maria Poumier
Jews or Zionists? Three approaches by Elias Davidsson
Responses to Olives of Aboud
Activists and Media by Johannes Wahlstrom, Stockholm University
Contested Truths by Johannes Wahlstrom
No Holds Barred Discussion On Jews and One State
Mel Gibson and the Judeo-Christian myth By Gilad Atzmon
The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions By Jeffrey Blankfort
Discussion Neumann-Blankfort